LIMITED-TIME CONTENT Masquerade Raffle Box! 🎭

Discussion in 'Events' started by ATAClaptrap, May 19, 2022.

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  1. Obsessed with all of this 😍
    Navidad likes this.
  2. selfish people gunna make multiple alts for dis. the odds are not in our favor πŸ‘Ί
    -V-E-R-T-I-G-O-, Navidad and Yuno_ like this.
  3. I actually bought some cause the quality in this raffle is actually nice. But watch me not win anything anyways. πŸ˜‚
  4. LETS GOOOO!!!
  5. I went with the guaranteed 1 box route, I was VERY lucky to win an avi last hunt, let's see if we can keep the luck rolling 😊🎭
  6. Not last hunt.. last raffle lol
  7. Why does it have to be left to chance though and so limited on number of winners?
    -V-E-R-T-I-G-O- likes this.
  8. Watch us still have to use a pimd key to open it 😭😭
  9. Last raffle they didn’t use pimd keys to open it….
    xPeachMamii- and Voseph like this.
  10. Poor me can't afford anything😩
    Jacinda_Rose, TattedMamii and Lumi like this.
  11. I am loving these raffles and would be down for 1 a quarter.

    It's a great way to give players of all sizes a shot as some gorgeous rare avis since leaderboard is out of reach for most people.
  12. 100% Agree!!!
  13. Love it, absolutely love it! Definitely one if the better things done of recent.
    Graey likes this.
  14. Gotta spend'em all πŸ₯²
  15. [​IMG]

    πŸ‘†πŸ»I got a ticket and spent all the ec I had saved from the spinner, but with my luck that’s how I will feel after the raffle winners are called. πŸ˜…

    good luck to everyone! Hopefully I get an avatar this time.
  16. Same feelings πŸ˜‚
    Good luck everyone
    Jada likes this.
  17. Are you lost baby girl?
    Noonz and Jacinda_Rose like this.
  18. 🀞
    Graey likes this.
  19. i’m actually so happy there’s another raffle!! the one last time was so adorable and the animal stats are still some of my fave stat items in the game! hopefully i get lucky with this raffle :oops::p
    --Tifa, -Mrs_Mis- and Lumi like this.
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