
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -Legendary_Swag-, Nov 9, 2011.

  1. So what if he's 13....
  2. 

    He's probably a nursery school kid acting like a 13.

    3k only trawda?

  3. J, no worries, I wasn't talking about you.

    I made a mistake at any rate.

    Anyway... La de da... 
  4. Ok i get that he sucks at being a mod, but you can just leave it at that, no need for childish insults.
  5. Dude... Stop picking on him...

    Though I would like to know how he became a mod when he's only 13.
  6. Trawda has done nothing wrong he Wa silencing for people doing false advertisement and harrasment  so get over ureselfs
  7. Oh my god (•.(\)
  8. I agree... Kinda too young.. How old are the other mods??
  9. All other moderators are 17
  10. Rose y dont u just delete the thread...
  11. It's not breaking ToU.
    You can create hate threads as long as it doesn't break ToU. :-/
  12. Damn , bruh, seems like mods were wild back in the day.
  13. I really miss old PIMD