Discussion in 'Announcements' started by ATA-Will, Feb 25, 2022.

  1. Players using this feature and getting rid of old timer boxes but still getting the old drops from those past hunts also is kinda rough imo. There’s no real benefit there other than a very slim chance at furni/avatars. I’d think if you purchase this feature the past hunt drops from old timer boxes should be updated to whichever current hunt we’re in
  2. Or DNs? 👀
    gisselle219, fire_lord and Hag like this.
  3. I was leaving out the few things like amps/cat+kini/etc because they’re in all timer boxes, nobody opens those boxes hoping for a dn, mainly I just think the drops should switch over to the current hunt it just makes more sense imo especially if you’re paying real money to open the boxes quicker
    SaucySunshine and fire_lord like this.
  4. right? $19.99 plus 13% tax for me. $22.58 for 7 days..

    has someone actually bought this? 😬🤔
    nectarcollecter likes this.
  5. they really out here trying to make money off anything 🤣
    fire_lord likes this.
  6. the new avis on molly’s cracked off her greedy mind corner are literally 25 dollars to look like bummy ugly basic rats? what.. the hell… has happened to this game…😟
  7. Do you only play mobile games? The game industry has changed A LOT in the past like 10 years to be more and more of a cash grab, I've watched good games turn into money hungry souless husks of what they used to be, this ain't cool, it's the big companies pushing a standard of micro transactions to milk every penny out of the consumer causing all other apps to fall suit, why do you think there's a million of the same app recoloured over and over again asking you to spend money on it? just because every free app under the sun is trying to milk you doesn't mean it's not a crappy thing to do, they DO got you brainwashed, I miss when the app store in it's early years was a bunch of one purchase fun games apposed to 50 versions of the same merge app for free telling you to spend spend spend at every corner cramped with an add at every click... It's been slowly getting worse for everyone over the years, and I assume it's only going to get worse because we live in a capitalist hellhole, but there's still some games/apps with some integrity left, they're just harder to find
    Euphoriant and fire_lord like this.
  8. Im not brain washed. Im aware the 'free' games are the worst of them. But thats why i turn my internet off when i have downloaded them so that they cant flood me with ads and 'buy this thing' pop ups. Coz they need internet access to be able to do them things
  9. Hi
  10. Any one from Pakistan 🇵🇰❤️😍🥳
  11. Please don’t give them any more ideas on how to raise the VIP perk price, because $21.94 for 7 days only is already a bit much smh.
    SarcasticSelkie and Anjel like this.
  12. When i saw it i thought it is a bit pricey but might be worth it. Then i saw it isn't a permanent feature and recognized how ridiculous it is.
    I gladly spend a few bucks here or there if i like a game. But here i won't cause i can't find anything that's worth the money.
    And those time limited stuff is just soooo stupid.
    Give us a few quality of life features like the 2 time stuff and make it permanent and take a few bucks for it (like NOT what stuff costs atm!) and much more ppl will gladly spend it.

  13. Talk about over priced 21.99 for Australia
  14. 😵‍💫what’s the point caz it’s 21.99 in Australia and it’s not even worth it unless it’s free
  15. Yeah that's ~$16 USD. 😵‍💫
  16. 🥲yeah I checked with people in the USA and even buying 1050ec it’s 159.99 here and 99 there 🙄they hate us I guess and don’t want us to spend money
    Anshika likes this.
  17. They don’t want us to spend or they are trying to let us to bid higher ?
  18. To be fair, ATA doesn't control the pricings in the app store in regards to price conversions! That's what the app store does and you'll find that discrepancy on a lot of apps. :(