Rate my Room

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by AnObviousAlt, Jan 23, 2022.

  1. can someone please help me with the freakin winning algorithm here. RMRs winning room right now is absolute bullshit. Theme rn is grunge - but there's a pirate flag and a bunch of starter furni and again, WINNING at like 21 points!? This happens a ton and I don't get it at all. Can pimd please figure out some new grading system???

    Idk if this is in the wrong thread I can't figure out where it should go lol
    Scarlett likes this.
  2. It's because the community can vote, and you can't guarantee they'll vote along with the theme. Sometimes they just vote on which of the 2 rooms they're given looks nicer.
    GoddessHailey likes this.
  3. Follow your heart, follow your soul.
    Goldy likes this.
  4. Nah I get that - I'm frustrated about the non themed rooms too but honestly? I'm thinking that a bunch of ppl vote for the WORSE room because they think they'll have a better chance when they might be up against that room later in voting. But when everyone follows that strategy, the worse rooms start winning and ppl who worked hard don't!

    I don't even care if my room wins, it's just that seeing a half-assed room in 1st place sucks for al the ppl who tried 😓 maybe putting two rooms against each other isn't the best way to vote and they could change it 😑 I doubt they will tho
    Kreatur, Irelia, bloodhoney and 8 others like this.
  5. Theme doesnt matter. Best looking dorm will win
    Fawn378 likes this.
  6. True. Wouldn't it be more fair if we could rate rooms from 1 to 5 stars for example?
  7. It wouldnt change how most people are voting
  8. Yup. I vote if one of the two hits the theme, if neither then I just vote for whichever looks best or had any amount of effort put into it.
    Resting_Grinch_Face and Muschi like this.
  9. A lot of times I vote for rooms that obviously belong to people who just started the game to help give them a boost. Other times I don't like seeing rooms that have a bunch of expensive furniture in them. It's like, you're rich already you don't need the win. And then other times I decide which room best fits the theme. Honestly everyone has different strategies for voting, even if it's to not vote at all. But I do agree that the way you vote should be changed, especially considering that there are so many thousands of players it's near impossible to get any high rank at all. The ATA should take this into consideration when they construct the leaderboards for anything, honestly.
    they and GoddessHailey like this.
  10. Just to add to the discussion sometimes some players just throw whatever they have to at least submit something
    And other time , what I thought was a great interpretation of the theme; it is quite the opposite of what I should have done 🤣
    Or that people didn’t interpret the theme the same way.

    I don’t generally vote for design that have the exact furniture set (I am more a mix and match design preference). Thought, I do agree some players may deserve depending on the theme to have their design more visible (and those design may not have a 499 or 999 as not everyone can afford a great selection).
    Anyway, I also don’t think to my perception that people vote a lot ? More like sporadically. It may take me a solid 30 minutes to go spend like 20 votes (when I do use the skip button + 10 seconds and get distracted) and since it regen rather quickly; it can shift.
    Some designs are nearly identical and belong to 3-4 different players too 🤭 so that is another challenge (apparently that’s the term according to google translate)
    I am happy to see an insight of some who vote. I do believe that assist max 5 times per submission remains reasonable.

    putting two designs against each other (is a take a leaf out of book from other games that specialized in designs)
    they and -Mrs_Mis- like this.
  11. I've said it on another thread, but I think (like some others do) that they should throw out the "have to submit to vote" thing. That's where many of those starter/unfinished dorms come from, I think, from people who slap things together because they just want to vote.

    Then, I think the other issue is that there isn't a lot of attention brought to RMR, like, obviously there are people voting, but you can see from the leaderboard that 20 dorms may all have the same amount of votes, which totally skews how the rewards go out. I hate it when I have 15 points, and I can see that the 500th person also has 15 points, but I don't get rewards or I get the lowest level of rewards. Realistically, wouldn't all of those people tie in the competition if they all did equally well? But that's just me 🤷
    Irelia, Grubert, Rainie and 6 others like this.
  12. I agree, the ranking and the tier and rewards will need to be re-evaluate.
    For example, while everyone could obtain a participation award and reward.
    The leaderboard could be unveil or accessible when the players reach more than 5 points
    Some tiers of the leaderboard could be based on the points like 10 points / 15 points / 20 points / 25 (max I saw a design receive was around 25-30 votes)
    And everyone who earn 10 points have either the same ranking or deserve rewards for achieving this.
    This could be an additional thing to the existant top 500 or top 250.
    While, I understand that ATA is looking to encourage new players to join rate my dorm, many struggles to find an appeal when they barely have furnitures and mostly starter. They could have their own “circle / activity “ to encourage the community.
    If “more people are interested to join the activity” that was added on Nov. 5. 2020 (since no data / stats can be share to the community to my knowledge). It might be time to review it and offer a Beta testing on such revamp to adapt to the new current reality
    While , I do see an improvement in the themes choices rotate and new themes.
    For the algorithm, it could be clarified or improve on some aspects
    And allowing players to vote without the need to submit a design could be another way to engage the players without cluttering
    (The questions of whether those voters should receive rewards solely based on the act of participating via the voting without a creation/ design may be another discussion)

    p.s. : This may not change the way the player decide to vote, but this could help in terms of accuracy to the rewards with the growing interest (whatever your stats says) to this activity.
    Irelia, Rainie, IntoxiKait and 2 others like this.
  13. I vote the "uglier" ones
  14. I totally agree with you and @LeeJarrett, if you have the same votes you should earn the same rewards. Also yeah if you could vote without submitting that’d be great, maybe it could count for some Daily XCs or something.
    I also saw someone asking for a five star voting system ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Or maybe yeah there could be different awards like best of submissions with stats under 1mc or something 🤷🏼 I know that might be getting too complicated but things definitely need to change. I’m not sure what the answer is but rn it doesn’t feel like an objective competition…
    Rainie, Justin, IntoxiKait and 2 others like this.
  15. I was just voting for RMR and I wanted to vote for those rooms that fit the theme best. But I got so annoyed, because rooms without furnitures or only some starter furnitures appeared to me constantly. Like I was skipping so much, that i had to wait 10secs just so I could skip to ones that have at least some furnitures and I see that they at least tried a lil bit. I know that it’s harder for players who just started the game and they don’t have a lot of option, but if someone starts voting and sees that these are the rooms that constantly appear it takes away the fun and just makes us wanna stop voting for more rooms. I have no idea how this could be improved, but ATA really should look into RMR and change some things.
    Irelia, Grubert, Rainie and 4 others like this.
  16. Omg I didn't even think of that but yeah!! That's so annoying to get the same votes but not the same rewards. Y'all have real good suggestions but how do we make ata listen to our points
  17. Simple you bring more people to this thread to see if they like the proposals or suggestions or see something similar. because ata will always mention in a help ticket to have a thread for people to discuss over it 🤔

    if you know any players who spoke to you about it. You can always tag them to let them know of your thread.
  18. Does anyone at ATA even read the forums? It feels like these few ideas would be so easy to implement, or at least test for a few weeks. Why haven’t they been put in the game yet? Why hasn’t anyone from ATA replied to any of the rmr threads where this has been discussed before.

    Does pimd even have a developer actively working on adding or improving new features any more?
  19. Your first question- no. You have a better chance of them reading the discord channel.
    Secondly, yes they have several people working on new content every week. But it's impossible to just release new features on the regular like that. The coding alone takes time.
    GoddessHailey likes this.
  20. Honestly some of the themes are difficult to understand. This current one is Throwback. Throwback to what? The 80s? Middle age? I've seen people's rooms and everyone is interpreting it in a different way. I'm voting according to how I interprete it🤷
    Irelia, GoddessHailey and Fobia like this.