️ [GUIDE] Main Thread - Furniture Prices + Questions ️

Discussion in 'Guides' started by Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia, May 28, 2018.

  2. Sorry, Cozy Relaxation Station. I’d post pictures but we can’t upload from our phones.
  3. Price check on bloodline 999.
  4. Price check for instant scorpio shards
  5. Price check on "Never After" Bookshelf
  6. Price Check on “Antique Parlor Desk” pls
  7. Bumping this since I’m still waiting on an answer.
  8. Can I get a PC on Adam and Steve 499?
  9. pc for heart noveau furnis
  10. Cozy Relaxation Station
  11. Price on Ocean Havens 999 level 8 please
  12. Does anybody with answers ever check these?
  13. I got coz 999 for 11b.u can find both for 10-12b.
    idk about the rest, sorry🙏🏻
    CapedClown likes this.
  14. Price Check for til death garden door 999 ?
  15. Can I get a price check on 999s:
    1)Poseidon Haven lvl 5
    2)Unicorn Nebula lvl 3
    3)Black Marble Fireplace
    4)Black Magic Fireplace
  16. Thanks for checking. ❤️
    SinisterMorpho likes this.
  17. Hey there, can I get a price check on my current dorm: Retributionizers. Tysm 🖤
  18. Price check for Good Spirits Dorm lvl1
  19. Price check on noir the husky lvl 3
  20. Is there an update for common prices? This was a list from 2018?