Club chat alerts

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by Will_Roses, Feb 2, 2022.


Do you think club chat alerts should be added to the game

Poll closed Feb 16, 2022.
  1. Agree

  2. Disagree

  1. I think we would benefit from it if they add club chat alerts and they should give you the ability To turn them off if you want to
    naileaaa likes this.
  2. Just ignore if you don't wana see club chat. Cc msgs don't comes in notification when game is off . So it don't disturb anyone.
  3. Nahh. Coz then gonna get spammed with 474947947494388493739 notifications a day. I aint got time for that shit
  4. That’s why I said it should be optional if you would want club chat alerts like in the beginning of the game it asks if you want notifications or not. The club chat alerts would be a similar feature
  5. You didn’t really the full memo properly
  6. Did those club chat notifications comeing to yo ph like msg alerts?
    Or when you are online its poking you?. I don't need to red thrash ideas.
  7. In simple words these kinda thrash ideas r useless and you are not the firstone to post. So go away.