Egg 2.0

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by BBYGRLCELESTE, Feb 6, 2022.

  1. Hey there everyone. I plan to create my next post in a few days- going to try using some forum coding to make it all pretty!

    So, the question this time:
    What was your first forum post or comment? Why did you comment/post?

    For me, it on a buying/selling thread. I forget what I was looking for.
    Forum has so many helpful posts and funny ones! If you have the time you should look through forums, you’ll be surprised!
    explodo, nushkie and iTempest like this.
  2. I have no idea. Way too long ago to remember. Have fun coding! I recommend doing it the old fashioned way to truly understand how much work some of the old formers would go through to make their posts shiny.
    explodo likes this.
  3. Wish me luck and I will!
  4. Bruh i can barely remember yesterday how you expect me to remember 4 ish ago
    explodo likes this.
  5. Fair point lmfao
  6. Jeez. I don't fucking remember that bullshit.
    But I guess for the sake of it and cause I like your style I'll answer this somehow.
    I suppose I don't remember much about years ago.
    But answering the question in fucking present fucking tense.
    Why do I comment and post today.
    Well, my intentions is always to lift fuckers up.
    Y'all some depressing ass muh fuckkas
    And I am here to lift these dudes.
    My biggest weakness has always been that I'm too kind bro
    I even wrote it on job application once, they asked me what my biggest weakness was and I was like "My biggest weakness is that I'm too kind, and that I can't say no cause it's my duty to help"
    Yo boy got hired
    Only to later quit dat shit.
    Just wasnt for me ya know?
    But this ain't the point
    The point is I forum to lift da community up,
    To lift you up baby
    One day I was chilling right
    I was posting on pub too right
    And some people start shouting me out.
    My first thought was like "why these dudes shouting me out, I know em? I accidentally hit on they rp girl?" But turns out they see shouting me for my glorious fourm career
    They were worshipping me like I was a god
    And life is full of expectations
    Now it's your choice wether to agree to these expectations or not right
    At the end of the day, you decide your expectations
    But "Forum God" and "Forum King" didn't sound too bad
    So I decided that I would take up the challenge
    The Quest
    Of being their God their King.
    I can't let my people down.
    I feed my people.
    So long story short
    Cuz Forum King
    explodo likes this.
  7. Oh, gosh. I don't know. Let me see if I can find it.
  8. I found it.


    My IGN at the time was firebends, so. Punny.
    explodo likes this.
  9. Wow I remember that name, Firebends, I remember when you were really small stats but you packed a punch!
    Muschi likes this.
  10. 😂❤