Last one to post wins  Bobo

Discussion in 'Activities' started by MariGiggity, Feb 2, 2012.

  1. I’ll take him 😂🥺
  2. No. Not monkey napping bobo
  3. I'll take him 💕
  4. Is this a thing or did someone already win? I can't tell
  5. Bhag bsdk bobo is mone
  6. According to the vagueness of the rules as long as someone keeps posting there will never be a winner. Because it's simply the last one to post wins
  7. I won already and thats just how it is
  8. But how, how could you win when the winner is the last person to post ever?
  9. Nah, Bobo belongs to bobo
    DanaDangerous likes this.
  10. Mine
  11. Bobo is the monkey king
  12. I see we're still doing this
  13. Op ain’t even active, I don’t think anyone is getting bobo
  14. Give me Bobo! I need one other than my ignorant cat and he needs a name twin 🤧