Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by Envy293, Jan 30, 2022.

  1. Requesting ATA to go back to giving us both masc & femme avis instead of the 1 random through the hunt rewards. This way ur guaranteed to get the avi you wanted. Please post in replies if you're in agreement so that Maybe ATA changes it!
  2. Hun I use a trick and it work most of the time you will get 4 avi boxes 2 from min story 2 from side story.
    Do you know what I do I set M or F avi before opening avi boxes. Like if I need F avi I set female avi before opening the box and M avi to get male one. Most of the time it works. It's always depends on luck but try it it will work I guess.
  3. I always get male first. And it doesn’t matter if I use a female avi or a Male one. But male always drops for me first. On every account I have. but I like going back to getting both at the same time. So support
    Dhiwatah likes this.
  4. They're not gonna go back. If they decide to put both avis on the same tier, it'll probably end up being the higher tier. They want people to be more active because active people and people who really want to get the avi are more likely to spend money. They want money.
    Muschi likes this.
  5. the colors are usually worse on the vip version most of the time anyways 😔
  6. They did it this way to reduce the work load on the artists. There was to much to do in to short of time. If you want both then just stay active and its not hard to get them