EVENT 👒The Vintage People 🎩

Discussion in 'Events' started by ATA-Will, Jan 14, 2022.

  1. he means the lb 999, which tbh, wouldn’t even matter bc only 10 people get it in the entire game anyways 💀
  2. are you dense? I meant in lb
  3. You didnt say lb. You just said 999
    Muschi and -Talia like this.
  4. tbh it was pretty obvious what they meant.
  5. Not really. There has been hunts with no 999 before
  6. man you ARE dense.
    _PaX_ and San like this.
  7. I read what is said. Not my fault they to lazy to be more specific and say what they mean
  8. tbh, read the room. lbs just came out. last hunt didnt have a 999. ofc all hunts will have 999 drops in boxes. it couldnt have been more obvious 😭
    Ghastly likes this.
  9. Nice
    Someone should buy me vintage lite boxes
  10. Lite boxes cant be gifted or traded
    Muschi likes this.
  11. Whenever I think of vintage I think of that old good hunt the vintage glamour
    parfait and Muschi like this.
  12. I disagree! I love the vintage male avatars
  13. where the hell is the blonde guy avi at
  14. If you dont see it in leaderboard rewards, box or main hunt drop list then it will be in the 3rd side story
  15. Yes it is.
  16. Me patiently waiting for ATA to make a decently cute hunt 🥸⌚️
    This_Is_Jessie likes this.
  17. The avatars for completing tiers are always so PLAIN. I know paying players get better stuff, but geez, you used to have some good avatars for regular players also. Very disappointing hunts lately.
    EatMyHelloKitty likes this.
  18. So would you into were doing cause you my big fan why so you've been crossing me for 6 years and you want me Make my boyfriend bad Or make my brother man or My Grandma man or You want me be mean to my boyfriend To 2 years Have a boyfriend you have a boyfriend for and you don't have a boyfriend it's okay cause you gonna be my still my friend you'll be still my friend 6 years and then everything will be all right and you France again I friend ever forever forever and you You want to have Friends together but your boyfriend and you have a argument your boy face oh okay I still want you be my friend for 2 years or you will be your friend for 100 years and let me give you $55 or $60 or $7 or $80 or $20,000 and 155,000Or you want me to get your big iPhone 12 or F. At the 30 years are you a big fan of your mama
  19. English only in forums
  20. Did I miss the story post or did that stop?