POC Avatars, Mainly Black Women

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Nubiia, Nov 23, 2021.

  1. This won’t be a long post, I just want to state that I wish PIMD would offer more Black female framed avatars. Like, I think August was the last time we got Black girl avis in the monthly avatar shop like why? Why is it that White players only have to worry about if the avatar will look good meanwhile, Black players have to worry about if we’ll even get avatars AND if they’ll look good. We shouldn’t have to wait until Black History Month to ensure that we’ll see some avis that look like us, we should be represented in almost every hunt when appropriate and at least once in the monthly avatars. (I say almost because I don’t think too many Black people want to be associated with hunts like 4th of July). It’s literally not that hard to make, we’re everywhere. Anyways, thanks for coming to my mini rant/TedTalk, will we see if any actual change is made.
  2. I dunno about you, but I've got a ton of black girls from recent hunts. I got ones from the punk hunt, the camping hunt, the fruit hunt, the haunted camping hunt, etc... Then again, what do you consider as being "black"? Is it dark skin? Is it dark skin and curly hair? Is it dark skin and curvy figure? How dark is the skin? Is it chocolate brown or shit brown or can it be a bit lighter, like mixed or verging on Hispanics?
    AnnabelIe, Delight, Atlas and 5 others like this.
  3. Theres been loads of black avis so far tho
  4. Even the chick in this hunt avi boxes is like half black easy
  5. Open your avi boxes instead of hording them and you will see the avis more
  6. Looks like she already opened the ones that had black girls in them 🙊
    Muschi likes this.
  7. Replying as an avid POC player. Personally, I feel that ATA shouldn’t be subjected to the same “woke” scrutiny. The company’s always represented people of color and all nationalities, from African-Americans to Pacific Islanders. Yes, most POC don’t want to be affiliated with July 4th but let’s be real, most people (not I, family’s BPP affiliated) didn’t know about woke culture, Liberation Day, etc until the civil unrest of 2020. As mentioned previously on this thread, what’s is considered “black?” because from all these “ATA needs more representation” threads, I’ve noticed a theme of POC wanting THEIR perception of other POC in the game. I said it before and I’ll say it again, ATA are one of the most diverse, and representative companies ever.

    Black people aren’t the only people of color.
    Lime, Barbwyre, S0ck and 16 others like this.
    • Like one of Saweetie??
  8. Support, but my only critique is that the correct phrasing would be "avatars of color," not "POC avatars." POC avatars equals "people of color avatars," which doesn't make grammatical sense.
    AnnabelIe, Delight and Guy like this.
    • Proper Grammar on an app game funny. Who sets these grammar rules again ???
    _Kosha_, Voso, Kyna and 1 other person like this.
  9. I do. I'm the grammar police.
    Kefo, Campus, Lite and 2 others like this.
  10. I never said black people were the only people of color though, I’m just distinctly talking about Black people cause that’s what I am.
  11. I’m not denying that we’ve had Black girls in recent hunts, I’ve got most of them myself. All I’m saying is, we should not have to worry about if we’ll be represented at all, as well as if we’ll look as good as other avis do. Because, people who use White avis only have to worry about if it’ll look good, not if they’ll get anything at all. And to answer your last question, Black people have a lot of different appearances. I guess I should clarify to say I wish there were more avatars that fit what I resemble, not to the absolute T obviously, but somewhere close. I wear a kinky afro and usually I see Black avatars on here with anything but that kind of hair texture. Maybe there have been avatars like that, but I haven’t seen them. I just wanted to voice my opinion on what I do know for sure 😅
  12. I’m the same way honestly, so thank you 😂
    Muschi likes this.
  13. Your opinion is valid and correct but not all black people have kinky hair, you clarified my previous reply kind of when I said people want avatars that are in their perception, which isn’t wrong, one of the principles of this game is to express yourself. I recommend you post this in the Discord too, doesn’t hurt to start a conversation and I love topics about diversity, equality and inclusion. You can also design some avatars, you don’t have to be Picasso to be a concept artist!
    Barbwyre and Delight like this.
  14. I’m aware that not all of us have kinky hair, it’s just I would like to see more of it in this game. 😁 And thank you! I might do that, I haven’t touched Discord in a hot minute but i’ll figure it out lol. I appreciate your input on the post, thank you again 😁
    Muschi likes this.
  15. I feel like rather than start with a post about not seeing black girl avis (which there have been many of) you should have just outright requested to see an avi with specific hair. However I also feel like it’s not a concern of ATA to give everyone an avi that looks just like them because if that were the case they’d just let us make our own. There’s PLENTY to choose from, and it’s pretty diverse. I feel like there’s more constructive criticisms to offer rather than not having an avi specific to you personally.
    TabloidJunkie, V_Witchy_101 and Guy like this.
  16. [​IMG]
    Lite likes this.
  17. I agree!!!
    Lonely_Girl and renamed26365 like this.
  18. No support, cuz racism. C'mon yall. You ain't gotta make long ass paragraphs justifying why you don't want a beautiful black woman avatar..
    Keep it real like me bruh 💀💀
    Lonely_Girl and Wicca like this.