Daily XC pts

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by -ChromaticTiger-, Nov 28, 2021.

  1. So concerning the DAILY XC points
    Instead of getting 15 pts per party...
    Get 1 point per party action hit
    I think this would be significantly better than Complete Party as it'll encourage people to actually HIT the party more often rather than just hit a few times to get the Complete Party points
  2. Pass. I barely ever manage to even get 1 star as it is. If you dont like how inactive your members are then kick them and find people who are active
  3. This isn't to make YOU active though, it's to make others and to entice them to hit parties more
    You can barely get 1 star because your club may not be doing very good because they are hitting very little or the party is just that too hard.

    And at this point, a lot of people who are "active" might just be alt accounts of other people from the same club or diff clubs 😂😂
  4. No. My club is good. Im just busy as fuck. Same as many others. Like i said. If your members arnt hitting parties fuck all then kick them and find new members who are active. Problem solved
  5. Also, this makes finishing Daily XC a tad bit easier, especially for very hard parties
    Instead of having to complete like 10 Big in Japan parties, just hit 300 times in parties to get the required pts needed to finish the daily