PiMD is just a poorly designed chatting app disguised as a game

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by DiscoDisco, Nov 20, 2021.


PiMD is just a poorly designed chatting app disguised as a game?

  1. Yes

  2. No

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  1. A simple question for the sake of context and fun
  2. Considering this started out as a pvp game i dont know. But for right now. It really is just another social app with extra things to do to fill in time
    Charmed and Alicia like this.
  3. A lot of people say they only stick around because they made friends on the app, so yeah. It is. If it weren’t for the heavy social aspect pimd probably would not have been around for 9+ years.
  4. Delete the game and move on
  5. ^
  6. This game been around since I was in middle school now I’m 23 and in the marines what the actual hell😂
  7. Yep!
  8. I genuinely enjoy the game & art aspect.

    Collecting is fun and chatting is necessary.

    I don’t know any multiplayer game that doesn’t have a social or chatting system.

    I’d say this game is mix of social media and genuine “game” like aspects.
  9. I think this game has potential, but I agree it’s gotten so far away from pvp that there’s people playing here that literally don’t even understand the pvp aspects of it. They really aren’t leveling up, because what’s the point of leveling up when you’re only here to use the social aspect? There’s no reason to care about leveling up, upgrading furniture, building your showcase… I think they need to bring back more pvp and make a stand that this IS a pvp game. Not only that I think they need to work around the social aspect and make it more necessary rather than for fun..? People are always using chat to look for things they want, sell stuff, trade things.. but maybe incorporate more tasks centered around using the chat features to acquire things from others. Like the hunts where you collect one kind of something and can’t move on unless you collect the other kinds from other people. It uses the social aspect into the game more and I think there’s a lot that can be done with that
    MayaTheHopeful and Guy like this.
  10. Make me
    • ATA isn’t poor anything- I think they sold for 100million last year.
    • ATA should roll the dice and hire all new devs to do a 2022 game upgrade.
    Guy and -Talia like this.
  11. or consider more Community team-related internships, still waiting to hear back on my Data Scientist application.
  12. Good Luck
    Guy likes this.