Players Want iWars Brought Back

Discussion in 'Wars' started by -_A_-Legwarmers, Jan 8, 2016.

  1. Support 🖤
  2. Yes please 😎🐺🔥
  4. I don't have any idea about the iwar thing. As everyone supporting I'll support it tooo.
    Let's go with the flow🙈
  5. Yes Please! Support! And we the people need to just start doing merc wars to spark interest...then start organizing some fair-ish wars!

    I say this like I'm actually going to active.. Who am I kidding
  6. Support ⭐️
    -MoB-FullerGirl likes this.
  7. Support! But then they consider how much money will they lose from le partie faries like me o_O
    SweetDarkAngel and Adoringly like this.
  8. ATA would never openly admit that, but if we're being honest all deep down know that's the reason they didn't carry Through with it.

    It's been 5Years since this threads Creation as much as I'd love to see pimd add in a Dash of Something new besides parties I just don't forsee it happening, that's also factoring in how little success we see with pvp hunts. The fact is this game just isn't meant for pvp if you want something Geared and centered around pvp or gives you the best of both worlds I'd Reccomend KAW.

    Support though, Who knows ATA may just surprise us someday but if there's one thing I've learned after years of playing with them it's don't get your hopes up.
  9. Tl; dr. However, I know the basic idea. Support.

    Old PIMD was better; parties aren’t fun— there’s no human element. (Which is a funny thing to care about, considering this is an online game. Perhaps, I am just want human connection, and this is one outlet I use to get it. I don’t know. And it doesn’t matter anyways. Lol.)
  10. Still seeing alot of people saying they want this and yet ive only ever seen 3 wars advertised this year. Ata arnt gonna do something that people arnt even doing themself. Set up more wars and ata will be more likely to find something that works
    MayaTheHopeful and iMavis like this.
  11. War Commitee anyone?
    Nemy likes this.

  12. Does it really lose them money tho, the people who only like to party will still be spending on parties.....And those that want to war will spend on dn's wouldn't it bring a little extra?

    Or hell just put in a date that increases plunder during War, have it work just like a cat party then you get the people who want to war spend just like the people who wanna do non stop cat
  13. I mean we could stop and debate about it but ATA openly admitted they do not intend to do anything Warlike they even mentioned at one point that they had thought about taking the War system out of the game, it's honestly a deadbeat feature nowadays anyway except for the few small groups of people who still host wars the fact is, PvP isn't popular here like ATA said if you prefer Games that cater to that demographic then give KAW a try It gets the best of both worlds because pvp in kaw makes sense and has reason while it makes no sense in Pimd, don't get me wrong I love that everyone is still trying to support it but you already have a 99.9% from ATA ages ago stating they had no intention for war to be a big feature here
    SweetDarkAngel likes this.