Discussion in 'Announcements' started by ATAClaptrap, Sep 8, 2021.

  1. The avis you see are available for the next 107 days (you can see the time limit in the shop) then if they continue the daily xc, once the days are up there will be new ones, but they’ll most likely need new coins (since the coins you get from the fall xc are only good for fall avis)
    MayaTheHopeful, Famous, Rila and 4 others like this.
  2. Awesome!
  3. Any chance leftover tokens from the May Daily XC test could be converted to the new Daily XC tokens? 😅
  4. This gives me so much hope and reason to hop on here everyday.

    Hoe for Holt
  5. Damn seems like a lot for 1 coin
  6. Will the token willbe gone if we didnt use it?? Like if ever i dont want to use the token for this avis or box will there be another/next daily xcs that i maybe can use the tokens i gathered this time?
    MayaTheHopeful likes this.
  7. As an avi hoarder, I'm distressed there's no way to collect them all 💔
  8. Do a lot of lbh
  9. I don’t hate this so 🌚🌚
  10. the tokens will still be in your inventory, im assuming since they’re “fall daily xc” tokens that they can be used for any fall avis
  11. On Android, there's a typo in the name of the Daily XC Coins -- they say "Fally" instead of "Fall."
    Campus and The_Invisible_Undies like this.
  12. When you aren't strictly male or female, it makes it harder to choose just 1 out of 4. Also, it's sad that you can only get 1. Can't even get two of the lower cost ones. Disappointing imo.
    MarBaby788, they, NotThatJean and 8 others like this.
  13. It’s the same on iOS also. 😊
  14. It's not a LBH issue, it's that there is no way to get enough coins to unlock all 4 avis.
  15. You've upped the point requirements again, ATA.

    240 in a single day to get maximum rewards. Last time this was around, it was 155. And 155 was pushing it given that we have the same point gains for the same actions. It was unfair before and now it's simply excessive, unacceptably so at this point.

    I'm not happy about this. I'm ticked off and disgusted at this. Especially with the addition of points for dropping pizza, cats and dogs. If this is what you're going to do with Daily XC, I don't want you to bring it back again.
  16. They call them fall 2021 tokens though so that would suggest they’re only for this year.
    MarBaby788, ALittleBirdie and Muschi like this.
  17. didnt notice that :0 that would be kinda wack if its only for this year (also would cause too many useless tokens lol) i’ll ask about this :^)
    MarBaby788, Offthewall and Muschi like this.
  18. I was able to get yesterdays coin by being on n off hitting parties occasionally, it may seem hard if you’re inactive but part of the point is to reward activity. Also getting extra points for dropping prem party items seems fair to me, especially since there isnt an LB. Players dont get anything extra for dropping prem items, they just get the rewards quicker.

    Like Ami mentioned its on IOS as well, I sent that in :^)
  19. I really hope y’all do something like maybe a daily deal in Molly’s corner to buy spare coins to get more than one avi! the people have spoken and expressed interest in multiple avatars for this fall set! Please make this happen :)

    You’ll make money from this so 😌💗
