“Rare” Name Check

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Lite, Sep 9, 2021.

  1. Dunno if this has been done before, but reply if you have a “rare” name.

    I put rare in quotations since it’s relatively subjective, but I’m sure you know what I mean.
    Trippybaba likes this.
  2. I'm one of a kind
  3. My names not. My daughters name is Guinevere. So idk? Maybe rare? Or just old?
  4. Hailey isn't rare, but most others I know are spelt Haley.
  5. Yesterday I met someone with the last name “music” and I thought that was pretty cool
    LeeJarrett likes this.
  6. I actually went to college with someone who’s last name was music. Weird.
  7. I too know someone with that last name
  8. It depends my name is common in Italy but rare in the rest of the world
  9. All names are rare coz only 1 person can have it
  10. Da person makes da name not the name da person
  11. I meant rare usernames 😭😭 I should’ve clarified LOL
    Kakashi and Offthewall like this.
  12. huh
    Lite likes this.
  13. Ya sure
    Lite likes this.
  14. My username is rare … anyone that claims they’ve seen it online before PIMD are liars ty
    S0ck and Lite like this.
  15. 👀
    Lite likes this.
  16. What qualifies as a rare username? Since only one person can have it wouldn’t all usernames be rare?
    Nate and Lite like this.