️ [GUIDE] Main Thread - Furniture Prices + Questions ️

Discussion in 'Guides' started by Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia, May 28, 2018.

  1. Haven’t seen it dip below 24b
  2. 15c from what I’ve seen
  3. I'm sure someone has asked this before but can I get a price check on Grunge-chic and Pet Paradise desk? Please and thank you! ☺️💕
  4. PC on ecotopian desk?
  5. Price check on Door to the dog park 999 'pet paradise'?
  6. Hi, price check on these please?
    • Ship Shape Captain Meowgellan 499
    • Lakeside Lodge Bed (level 2)
  7. Anyone know the price on ghostly axes or bats? 🪓
  8. Anyone have price check for berry patch wall planter?
  9. Price check on “Pi Mu Delta” balcony 999?
    -AlyCat- and maani like this.
  10. 👻 Buying 200 Ghostly Axes, WMP for 100 👻
  11. Whoops didn't mean to paste that, Price check for 100 axes?
  12. Price check on “Pi Mu Delta” Chapter Bed?
    Stonette likes this.
  13. Price check for "Puzzl" bed?
  14. Price check for Pi Mu Delta top shelf?
  15. During hunt beds usually go for 3b most of the time, once hunt is over value drops to 2b unless it's a more popular hunt
  16. Regular Prices
    Floor/Wall/Poster/Above Desk: 2 to 4 chibis

    Above Bed/Lamp/Nighstand: 5 to 10 chibis

    Above Plant: 6 to 8 chibis

    Shelves: 8 to 10 chibis

    Chairs/Plants: 12 to 15 chibis

    Rugs: 20 to 25 chibis

    Bookshelf: 1 bento

    Beds: 1 to 3 bentos

    Desks: 3 to 4 bentos

    499: 5 to 8 bentos

    999: 13 to 25 bentos (huge range)

    *Note that popular hunts can be a lot more expensive than this*

    Recycle Prices
    Floor/Wall/Poster/Above Desk: 1 to 2 chibis

    Above Bed/Lamp/Nighstand: 3 to 5 chibis

    Above Plant: 3 to 5 chibis

    Shelves: 5 to 7 chibis

    Chairs/Plants: 5 for a bento

    Rugs: 15 to 20 chibis

    Bookshelf: 2 for 1 bento

    Beds: 1 bento

    Desks: 2 bentos

    499: 3 to 4 bentos

    999: 9 to 11 bentos

    *Note that popular hunts can be a lot more expensive than this*

    Leveled Furniture
    To Find the Price of Your Leveled Item:

    Base Price + Cost Needed to Upgrade =Total

    As is the case with all leveled furniture, the price will be the base cost and cost to upgrade. So for example, a level 2 499 that has a base price of 6-7 🍱, would be 8-10 🍱 at level 2. Since with leveled furniture I like to assume that it was leveled with recycle priced furniture.

    Amount of Furniture Needed to Upgrade
    L1 → L2: 1 piece of furniture

    L2 → L3: 2 pieces of furniture

    L3 → L4: 4 pieces of furniture

    L4 → L5: 6 pieces of furniture

    L5 → L6: 8 pieces of furniture

    L6 → L7: 10 pieces of furniture

    L7 → L8: 12 pieces of furniture

    L8 → L9: 14 pieces of furniture

    L9 → L10: 16 pieces of furniture

    L10 → L11: 17 pieces of furniture

    L11 → L12: 18 pieces of furniture

    L12 → L13: 19 pieces of furniture

    L13 → L14: 20 pieces of furniture

    L14 → L15: 21 pieces of furniture

    L15 → L16: 22 pieces of furniture

    L16 → L17: 23 pieces of furniture

    L17 → L18: 24 pieces of furniture

    L18 → L19: 25 pieces of furniture

    L19 → L20: 26 pieces of furniture

    So, it would take 266 pieces of furniture to level one piece of furniture to Level 20!

    PSA: All prices are estimates based off what I have seen, and may not be perfectly accurate. I also only answer on this thread every other day so walling or gifting me is best for a fast answ
  17. Hewo, can I pls get pc for en point 999? Trying to help a friend but don't know how much it's really going nowadays
  18. Thank you for this. I will copy paste so i can also share with my club mates

    SinisterSaint and way2sexie4u like this.
  19. Price check on Japanese monkeys in autumn 999 from shikki box plz tyia❣
  20. Price check on the lovebird tile? TIA ✨