Last one to post wins  Bobo

Discussion in 'Activities' started by MariGiggity, Feb 2, 2012.

  2. You have to clear me out of yo way to get bobo😏
  3. Ehh I'll snatch it i i have 💣🔫🔪
  4. Needa lift real weights tho not polistyrine ones
  5. He need the same but with a blade
  6. 🙈🙉🙈🙉🙈🙉🙈🙉🙈🙉🙈🙉🙈🙈🙉PIKABOOOOO
  7. 🙄
    Thats an unidentified Pikabooo object.
  8. That guy was arrested after the vidio got viral and idk he still in jail or not.

    Its true. Many news chanels covered this news.
  9. I woulda laugh if the monkey jumped back up at him and ripped his head off
  10. Sometime they do it the fight back. And monkeys can also slap for no reason.
    Even in my childhood i got slapped by a monkey and i fell unconscious.

    After i get back my sense i was laying down on my mothers lag.
    My cheek was red and finger marks was clearly visibe. That was a horrible memory of my childhood hhahaha
  11. They got massive teeth and can rip people to shit if need to