Tan's PvP Rant

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Taniho, Jul 4, 2021.

  1. Increasing PvP plunder to remain same per hit isn't a bad idea.( even if it's like a $9.99-$19.99 monthly subscription knowing ATA), but I'm all for the removal of peace tags.
  2. rs ask-outs not being free
  3. It should definitely not be a subscription. Why should fairies have the option to get more cash per hit without paying irl cash while their PvP counterparts pay?
  4. Why pvp I’m really triggered with this thread. Let us enjoy this game in peace
  5. I support this 100% I was a war person and honestly the back to back hunts have gotten old and honestly it basically ended wars
    Taniho likes this.
  6. And now misc is dropping from parties. I never get misc drops from hitting people directly.
    LetsGoBrandon and Kefo like this.
  7. And how bloody simple would that be to implement! 😬
    LetsGoBrandon likes this.
  8. Pvp is a part of game. U can still enjoy game peacefully if u maintain good conduct in game.🤗