Looking For A Relationship Partner?

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by Jerk123123, Feb 21, 2015.

  1. Looking for rs:

    •27, female, sgt tz
    •30mcs and still upgrading
    •Party fairy so I can upgrade
    •Active, I don’t really talk much cause I’m kinda busy these days, but when I’m free, I’d love to talk, loves to do wall posts(I love getting them too)
    •Can be flirty if u want, but if you’re taken tell me, don’t want to get into trouble
    •Not in SFW but I don’t mind taking hits
    •Can max gifts, gives random gifts too
    •Do ec dates whenever I can

    •24+, preferrably male, any tz
    •Around my stats(25mcs and up)
    •Wasted my 3 askouts before so ASK ME OUT pretty please
    •Should be ACTIVE, (joins ec clubs/flashes) let’s upgrade and grow together
    •Be friendly talk to me, I love the attention
    •In SFW or not, idc
    •Must max gifts, I love gifts, any gifts
    •Ec date sometimes
    •Can do match avis if possible

  2. Still finding love ❤
  3. 👀 still looking, I am not in a rush, just want to find the right person who gets my quirky introverted needs 😂🥺
    Wall/gift if you want to reach out

  5. Hi, still looking! I am now 1mcs and looking for similar stats. Let’s chat! 🥰
  6. Looking for female rs 90+ mcs preferred str build , must be talking or no use . You ask 😌
  7. Still looking and I’m8mcs
  8. Looking for a STAT rs, I’m taken irl so not looking for love here. I can ask out, feel free to wall me or send me a gift.
  9. Still looking I’m 50mcs now
    PinkyToe likes this.
  10. Hi, I’d like to😁😁

  11. Still looking
  12. Looking for a perm rs around 15 mcs
    Should be Active n friendly
    I can max gifts
    I don't have an ask out 🥺
  13. Looking for stat rs with aSk out, must be sfw friendly bcz I fight back with bullies.
  14. 40.7mcs
  15. 25 mcs fem n need of male active game stat rs plz.to max gifts and help each grow' add or wall me ty. 🔊
  16. Still looking - can ask out Friday
  17. Looking For Perm Stat RS For Dates. Im 3Mcs, Female, Nice 👍🏼👍🏼 21+ of age plz.
  18. Still looking game stat rs ..🤗
  19. Looking for rs for a friend

    ✨Rs requirements✨
    Looking for perm rs no takesies backsies
    Must be 55mcs+
    💥SFW friendly💥
    If higher stats he can ask if lower stats you ask (Him 58.5mcs)

    Wall/Gift me if interested
  20. Rahul170
    Looking For RS
    Current CS=16mcs+
    I can't Ask out😔