Shard Avis? 🥸

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Seriously, Jul 5, 2021.

  1. C’mon ATA. You know we’ll pay for them. Where are they? 👀
    Choochiiiiii likes this.
  2. It hasnt been 1yr yet
    Seriously likes this.
  4. i think op means the monthly shard avis not the annual black friday ones 😗
  5. Oh. 1 month feels like barely 2 weeks atm so idk
  6. if im right i think it’s been abt exactly 3 weeks??? since the last monthly shard avis ended at the last day of the baking hunt, the day before the start of the ectopian hunt i think
  7. Oooo. Maybe ata want a break
    Choochiiiiii likes this.
  8. Oop I meant the 4oJ shard avis