Sooo Canada is going through what is being reported as a "historic" and "dangerous" heat wave. My apartment is an oven and currently hotter than the outdoors, which is around 30-40 degrees Celsius for the current week. Idk the temp in my home. The point is. All the air conditioners and fans were sold out and I grabbed the last one knowing it wouldn't fit my window and i made do, and if you need to make do, too: this is how. Prop it up on your flour bin and garbage bag the rest of your window to keep the cool air in and bugs out. Alternatively, mount plywood and plexiglass to cover up the rest of the window, but only if you own the place cuz your damage deposit can be revoked, you're welcome.
We almost have the same set up! We got the same kind of windows but luckily it's got a window sill to balance on. Still got cardboard taped up to cover the top of the open window though. Come over and pop in my landladys pool with me 🥲
I'm pretty lucky she doesn't care when I use it. It's unheated and currently is at a whopping 32 degrees due to the heatweave. Usually it sits around 20‐ish
I hereby award you with the title of honorary West Virginian. I'm so proud of your hillbilly engineering skills.