A big day for freedom and humanity

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Disloyal, Jun 9, 2021.

  1. It's happening now. Hear this
    Kefo and Broken_Angel11 like this.
  2. That's a president laying down all his plans in front of the people. This is what true democracy looks like
    Broken_Angel11 likes this.
  3. A president of what? F&&k I clicked the link and it was a Twitter link 😂😂 love the joke
  4. Might be a joke to you. But this is the president of a country connecting directly with the people from all over the world via Twitter spaces. Answering questions while the bill to make bitcoin legal tender was being voted for in the parliament. No CNN, BBC, fox News or any of the main stream media. Direct communication between the president and the people.

    Also, it's a YouTube link
  5. Bitcoin dumb
    eileen likes this.
  6. Very cool
  7. If you're anti bitcoin, you're anti freedom. Few understand this
  8. Freedom dumb
  9. Freedom often seems kinda nebulous