A Lite box Petition

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by Petite, May 22, 2021.


Yay or nay?

  1. Yay

    54 vote(s)
  2. Nay

    4 vote(s)
  3. Indifferent

    2 vote(s)
  1. Or if you’re on iOS, you can shake your phone and click “go back” and your reward should be there as well!
    MayaTheHopeful, Muschi and Kefo like this.
  2. I agree I have speed up 3000 boxes there is no way I can ever open them all. And it’s literally only the speed up boxes that are like this. All the other boxes are fine but we really do earn so many speed up boxes and we open them and get 10 minutes of speed ups
    TheGodOfScylla and Petite like this.
  3. So open them as you get them. Ive never had a issue with doing that. You can open them all easy if you actul want the speed ups. Dont blame ata for your hording
    V_Witchy_101, Muschi and LeeJarrett like this.
  4. I mean I get your frustration and struggle but IF YOU WANT (I HIGHLY ADVISE AGAINST IT), if you have an Android, you can use bots (up to your discretion) which I highly advise against to open up your boxes. If you’re using bots, you can get banned.

    I have iOS so I’ve never used bots before. But I’m just stating another way you can open boxes.

  5. I mean you clearly arnt against it otherwise you wouldnt of even suggested it
    TheGodOfScylla and LeeJarrett like this.
  6. I’m presenting it as an option lol. I always had iOS so I don’t really know how bots work, but I’ve read about them here and there lol
  7. It’s not hoarding it’s the rate that flashers and ecs party-ers get them at that makes it like that
    eileen likes this.
  8. If you have the time to attend every flash in existence and be in multiple ec clubs... You clearly have more than enough time to tap-tap-tap a few boxes occasionally. It really is just lazy hoarding if you have more than, like, 100.

    Also, doesn't the collectathon mainly give out speed up boxes? And don't many players usually open a ton of hunt boxes to get the collectathon tiers? 😅 I mean, the two hunts I went for t100, that's what I did.
    V_Witchy_101 and Muschi like this.
  9. But ATA isn't ever going to do something like this unless they can get immediate profit, so you may as well forget it and stop cluttering up forums. There are already a good five or so threads with the same idea.
  10. Using bots is against Terms of Use and can get your account permanently banned. It's laughable that you'd post this publicly in forums as a viable recommendation, even with a disclaimer that you don't "actually" advise it. I'd personally prefer having 3,000 Speed Up boxes as long as I still have my account.
    V_Witchy_101 and eileen like this.
  11. Then how about we remove those rewards for flashers and EC partiers specifically?

    V_Witchy_101 likes this.
  12. That’s why I said “what you choose to do is your responsibility”. I’m not forcing anyone to use bots. Yes, I know it’s against ToU but some people just don’t follow it. Even tho I posted this doesn’t mean you have to do it. This is just my opinion.
  13. i just wanted to create a thread that showed images of how easy it’d be for ATA to make a multi-box opener even if it’s only 10-20 boxes at a time. And there’s also the problem of the spinner animation being a million years long for no reason.
    TheGodOfScylla likes this.
  14. Someone should make a thread to show you how easy it is to open the boxes when you get them...
    Muschi likes this.
  15. Only trolls would think opening high amounts of boxes is fun. I personally would rather sun burn. If opening boxes is boring to you let ATA know I say. They get paid the big bucks they should find a fun interesting way to open large amounts of boxes if enough folks agree it’s boring.
    TheGodOfScylla and Petite like this.
  16. Wait, I think Muschi had already proposed this to ATA like months or years or decades ago, ion really remember but I saw her mentioning about it on dc🌝
    So is this really necessary to talk about it again? Cuz seems like ATA is already aware of the "hustle" of opening like so many boxes but ye they dun care. It's simple as that.
  17. Great idea. If this feature added by ata many players will get benifited. I'll will consume less time.
    Petite likes this.
  18. Yeah, I mentioned I believe an option to skip the box opening animation back in September after seeing KoH has a similiar feature. KoH also has the option to open 5 boxes at a time; I don't remember if I was for PIMD having it back in September but I'm not partial to the idea anymore. I think the cons outweigh the benefits when the feature is translated over to the culture and functionality of PIMD.

    A box skipping animation, on the other hand, I feel like wouldn't have a plausible detriment to the game and would be a decent compromise to those that want something done to ease their large amount of boxes.

    But I definitely wasn't and haven't been the only person that suggested this idea. It gained popularity after the KoH crossover event but it was definitely suggested prior. We've gotten an influx of threads as well as suggestions in the Discord about it.

    I feel like at this point, it would be most helpful for ATA to congest all suggestions and support regarding box opening in one singular thread so it's easier for them to gauge community support. You can continue to suggest the idea, idc, but it doesn't need a new thread every single week. It's getting a little annoying to forumers and some of us will become less and less accustomed to the idea the more people oversuggest it.