Looking for a stat rs 👀 Me: 22yo female 16.9mcs Talkative No Rp Can max gifts I have been told I’m kinda funny 🥴 You: Around my stats or above Can Max gifts Talkative Funny is a bonus
🌚 Please.... I've been overwhelmed with requests to the point I don't want a RS anymore. I just want to be left alone. 😭
I'm 15 mcs, I can ask out Requirements: around 15mcs, woman, Europe bcs of time zone Will ask out based on answers in pm.
Looking for: an active RS Must Have: •ask out •active •my stats or bigger •sfw friendly •max hunt gifts I'm female, age 25, and prefer someone at least 23+ in age who is active and willing to grow alongside me🤗 Gender doesn't matter and we don't even have to talk. It can be purely for stats.
I know I'm not of high stats but I'm looking for a rs around my stats and females only cuz I'm a les 🙈 hmu however you want
Looking for a relationship partner Hey guys I guess I'm back at it 😅 I'm looking for a rs again so if you wanna get to know more about me feel free to hmu P.S. no stat rses pls ❤️
About you💗💗 Active Stats around 7-8 mcs Can ask out About me💗💗 8 mcs Not Sfw friendly Can be talkative or not as per your liking Growing actively 💗💗
Looking for new rs 60mcs+ Male or female No RP pls 😂 Max hunt gifts Would like someone friendly 🥺 Wall or gift me if interested or for questions 🤗
looking for stat rs with ask out requirements: im too lazy to post anything so i guess 17mcs + will do just make me stay away from emo quitting and i’ll be the sweetest rs you ever had
Hi, 26mcs Black Female North America EST zone I can be very spontaneous, hyper, playful... but then can be the total opposite in certain settings. Would prefer a male RS that's maybe known to be cold-hearted and mean. 🌚 I want to be your opposite. So now you have to tolerate me~ I am open to paying, but of course I'll respect a man that offers to pay much more. 🌚 (He's a gentleman, why wouldn't I?) BUT if I pay you have to change your name, I'd appreciate if we had matching/paired names. 🥴 I just like everything to be cute, okay! DON'T JUDGE ME. IF interested, just wall me. **Forgot to say, I don't mind a female RS.. But I can be very flirty 🌚😳 and... and I tend to not like women similar to myself. I tend to like women who are more...masculine? 😂😂