Purim Avatars

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by -ChromaticTiger-, May 20, 2021.

  1. That moment when you're still stuck with Purim Avatar VIP tasm because the Purim gifts are gone from store 😐

    Why not put these types of things at the bottom of the gift store until the task actually ends???
    Seriously, pretty stupid to just let the task go on so long when you can never finish it cause the dumb gifts are gone 🙄🙄

    So now, I'm stuck with this task still, 8 days left and all I needed left was the gifts 😂😂 GG ATA, good job, very smart
  2. Ata made it very clear on the post that the gifts were limited time. Not their fault you were slow doing it
    LeeJarrett likes this.
  3. I just find it very nonsense that they make the task sooo long but the gift not even being there that long either?
  4. You should of done the gifts 1st. You dont have to do it from top to bottom
    LeeJarrett likes this.
  5. Many 15 ec passes are like this. They stated very clearly on the post when the gifts would be gone, and they even gave several warnings a few days in advance. In addition, I and many other people were reminding people in chats that the gifts would be leaving and were offering to gift people before they left.
    DinosAreTheOldestCars likes this.
  6. Yeah, I get that, I guess I'll just have to get the gifts first in the future
    Thing is, I honestly didn't think I would finish the task bc of the cat, since I'm f2p and don't buy EC really
    I just hope that they'll somewhat change this whole gift thing on the 15ec avis and extend the time longer and or give them a separate gift section/category
    fire_lord likes this.