Alts obviously have mains. We should talk to them and try to get their main. With valid proof we can make a change. And stop this activities.
Black market traders make hundreds of throw away alts every day. Majority of black market trading talks happen off pimd on other apps like line. Its impossible to stop it. They arnt stupid. They arnt going to just tell you their main
New players cant be a mod. Ata asks for experienced players for that. Experience. A clueless mod is a waste of time and dangerous to a game. If you want to be mod, learn the game and how it works. The saying of. If you have to ask how to be mod then you arnt ready to be mod. Exists for a reason
Nope. But to be a good mod you need to meet a certain level of knowlege to be able to do the job. Ata aint gonna waste their time on sub par knowledge when there are plenty of people around with plenty of knowledge of the game and the tou
You can try to buy ATA then make yourself mod. I could be wrong but didn’t ATA sell for $$100m last year.
Relax Lady -Tru don’t need your life story. No need to quote Tru. What ever you prefer to be called app rat troll negative nancy. Look I’m on your side miss. Have a Great Day : (
Try no let people breaks ToU on your own wall that will help you before putting your own application (just a suggestion). I am not interested to be a mod, but I do know those who do it need to give their free time to make it worth. And yes; they need to provide the right timezone and language to be able to help the players depending what the devs need. I haven’t read all the comments along the thread. Nor do I have the intention to cause a fight or problems.
Ah and have you check the previous thread on that subject ? The comments about the application? This way we can narrow what you are looking for as a “tips”. 😊