⭐️Furniture Guide⭐️

Discussion in 'Guides' started by -PA_KaramelApples-, Jul 2, 2018.

  1. Price check on stellarama desk LVL3 🥺
  2. the stats with percentages
    Are the stats in percentages calculated according to the stats in numbers from your dorm? Eg. You have 5.22M stats in your dorm and a +3% stats, will you have 1.75M more stats in total?
  3. I'm not sure I'm processing the question correctly. But the percentage you receive when upgrading to level 11 is only dependent on what type of furniture you're upgrading. Desks all give the same percentage when upgraded to 11, etc. Whatever millions in stats the desk at level 10 gave you will convert to a percentage once it's at 11. So your millions top number will decrease.
    Muschi likes this.
  4. I meant, surely the percentage is based off of something? So is it based off of the stats in numbers on top of it?
  5. Thank you for this it was really helpful 💜
  6. Price check on Nos Def bed? 🤭
  7. Selling 2019 NEW YEARS Dorm (Lvl 1 except for the middle bookshelf and “plant” which are lvl 2)

    I have everything except for the 499. It’s a two year old set so it’s considered rare.

    I don’t know how much to price it for so if anyone could help me out that would be very appreciated! Thank you lovelies!
  8. Levels of 999 percentiles to add:

    15: 31/31%
    16: 34/34%
    17: 38/38%
    18: 43/42%
    19: 47/47%

    20: 52/52% (known)
  9. I have a lot of leveled furniture I’m trying to sell, can anyone tell me the prices of the leveled furni in my dorm?
  10. What’s the price for kawaii-doscope window 999 (lvl 1) ? Anyone knows?
  11. Vububsebeienei3i2jiwjei
  12. @pikcuase -- Since you downloaded the game for the furniture!
  13. **Furniture Upgrade Guide**
    LVL1 => LVL2 10 Parts
    LVL2 => LVL3 20 Parts
    LVL3 => LVL4 40 Parts
    LVL4 => LVL5 60 Parts
    LVL5 => LVL6 80 Parts
    LVL6 => LVL7 100 Parts
    LVL7 => LVL8 120 Parts
    LVL8 => LVL9 140 Parts
    LVL9 => LVL10 160 Parts
    LVL10 => LVL11 170 Parts
    LVL11 => LVL12 180 Parts
    LVL12 => LVL13 190 Parts
    LVL13 => LVL14 200 Parts
    LVL14 => LVL15 210 Parts
    LVL15 => LVL16 220 Parts
    LVL16 => LVL17 230 Parts
    LVL17 => LVL18 240 Parts
    LVL18 => LVL19 250 Parts
    LVL19 => LVL20 260 Parts
    Total: 215 furniture
    Victoria likes this.
  14. Okay potentially daft question but what affect does furniture directly have on your stats? Does it just function like misc stats? More chance of succeeding hits? Most vague thing in all of PIMD seems to be all the extra stat stuff