Trade and gift avatars

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by _QueenRuby_, Apr 7, 2021.


wouldn't it be nice to trade your Avis and not just small little things? (And gifting it šŸŽ)

  1. Yes

    33 vote(s)
  2. No

    21 vote(s)
  3. Maybe

    2 vote(s)
  4. Iā€™m in between!

    0 vote(s)
  1. I think it would be nice if you could trade and gift your Avis to others sometimes.. it probably would be easier too in a way.
  2. No.
    Ciara, LeeJarrett and Muschi like this.
  3. ATA has already stated several times that this feature won't be implemented due to it requiring them to recode over a decade of avatars to fit a brand new system, which would also require new coding. It's too big of a change for no reasonable benefit. Instead, the various shard avatars are intended to be a replacement for the ability to trade avatars. ;)

    It looks like you are a new player. There's plenty of opportunity to earn free avatars as you grow your stats. I recommend joining a Party of the Day club so you can participate in hunts, which have free avatars are certain milestones.

    Unfortunately being in a roleplay club severely hinders your chance at actual gameplay. I recommend keeping the roleplay to PMs or group chats so you can find a decent club for parties.
    renamed35319, Calyxia, Ciara and 4 others like this.
  4. Nice guide
    Ciara, Zelda, Muschi and 1 other person like this.
  5. In addition to what Muschi said, this is not a guide, and furthermore, you should have searched this within forums before making a post about it and even including a poll.

    Requesting lock.
    Ciara and Muschi like this.
  6. Yā€™all always say you wanna trade avatars until you start getting farmed for them šŸ˜Œ then youā€™ll wish you were Marty McFly
    Ciara, Ghastly and Muschi like this.
  7. Its against tou to request ec value items for cf
  8. True, but that doesn't mean they still won't get farmed for it. šŸ˜… Can absolutely report them but that won't bring back cash + energy lost.
    Ciara, Ghastly and Zelda like this.
  9. True
  10. Big nope
    Muschi and Zelda like this.
  11. Iā€™d farm a noob for an avi i missed out on ngl
    LeeJarrett, Muschi and Zelda like this.
  12. Iā€™m just know thinking about this.. and I said it because of something that happened a while back so like Iā€™m confused on how you cannot gift šŸŽ Avis and stuff
  13. Exactly my point. How many hunts I go inactive and they actually have cute avatars. Or the fact I wouldnā€™t have to open boxes bc a smaller player did lol oops
    Muschi and Ghastly like this.
    Zelda, LeeJarrett and Muschi like this.
  15. Doesnā€™t anyone else think šŸ¤” itā€™s crazy hard to get diamonds unless u pay for them?..
  16. Shouldnā€™t we try and convince pimd to make it easier to get diamonds (if they already Stated something about this donā€™t go coming from me because I didnā€™t know)
  17. instead of roleplaying, you could just party, upgrade and get lite boxes to get what you're looking for.
    Ciara likes this.
  18. They haven't made any official statements, but many other players have told others asking the same thing that there are too many ways to get free extra credits (I think that is what you mean by diamonds), such as from the spinner or trying free offers. In addition, almost everything you can get with extra credits can also be bought from fellow players, like furniture. The only thing that can't be easily gotten from other players is avatars, but there are ways to get basic avis if you play right and party hard. Feel free to wall me if you need help!
    Ciara likes this.
  19. [​IMG]
    DinosAreTheOldestCars likes this.