CONTEST:Neil and friends avatar and dorm matching contest

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by iNeilTheSpeedyTurtle, Apr 6, 2021.

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  1. Is there another way to upload images? Imgur is refusing to upload my picture
  2. according to Imgur help it’s an issue with Android users that they are trying to patch. Try deleting and redownloading. If that still doesn’t work Google “image hosting sites” and find one you’re comfortable with using. Then try using the direct link from the photo once uploaded to the site of your choice.
  3. That's the wrong Asami 😟
  4. Oops my bad yea idk why it wont let me tag the correct one either @Yaya
  5. Imgur is fuckd and this not working in pimd so just look in the link

    I fuckd up the screenshots somehow but its mostly lined up.
    Its my alt but posting from here coz im barely on my alt now
    -StormiE- likes this.
  6. 🍀
    Yaya likes this.
  7. [​IMG]
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  8. -StormiE-, Mii120 and SinisterPotato like this.
  9. Yaya likes this.
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