PIMD Aprils' Fools Day 2021 Vocabulary List?

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by beautification, Apr 1, 2021.

  1. Bored is the word for it...

    Did anyone mention
    Confused ?? Try it if not yet 😂
  2. These are all or most of it.
    I strongly suggest that this clown mode should be applied once in a month for 24 hrs... This is extremely focaccia 😂😂😂

    Daddy = linguini
    mommy = fettuccine
    baby = nobody puts baby in the corner
    boy = meatballs
    girl = chicken
    bro = my dearest brother
    bf = eggplant
    gf = girlfriend
    emma stone = pocketfulofsunshine
    monkey = emma stone
    hi = get away from me
    ata = the coolest people you'll ever meet
    will = marceline
    dev incredibly smart person
    mod = chef
    party in my dorm/pimd = dinner at my grandma's
    dorm = nest
    pls/plz/please = or else
    omg = on my gnocchi
    rp = pasta cooking
    tf = uwu
    ty = i owe you my firstborn
    hmu = i am looking respectfully
    wtf = can you pass the salt
    LMAO = lost my alfedo sauce
    lol = you're not funny
    smh = some more havarti
    smd = share my dessert
    gtfo = going to fight orcs
    stfu = oh please do tell me more
    bored = incredibly self aware
    confused = aroused
    fun = focaccia
    lonely = all around me are familiar faces
    stupid = amazing
    sexy = parmesan
    kinky = vanilla
    dirty = very appropriate
    alt = sexual partner
    sub = basil
    submissive = savory
    dom = oregano
    hoe = tomato
    campus = dining room
    chat = brag
    emoji = pictogram
    young = ancient
    old = vintage
    older = crusty
    egg = can i offer you a nice egg in this trying time
    bring roles = bring pasta sauce
    add me = put on my robe and wizard hat
    money = butcoin
    butcoin = butt
    butt = posterior area
    april fools = christmas
  3. Daddy = linguini
    mommy = fettuccine
    baby = nobody puts baby in the corner
    boy = meatballs
    girl = chicken
    bro = my dearest brother
    bf = eggplant
    gf = girlfriend
    emma stone = pocketfulofsunshine
    monkey = emma stone
    hi = get away from me
    ata = the coolest people you'll ever meet
    will = marceline
    dev incredibly smart person
    mod = chef
    party in my dorm/pimd = dinner at my grandma's
    dorm = nest
    pls/plz/please = or else
    omg = on my gnocchi
    rp = pasta cooking
    tf = uwu
    ty = i owe you my firstborn
    hmu = i am looking respectfully
    wtf = can you pass the salt
    LMAO = lost my alfedo sauce
    lol = you're not funny
    smh = some more havarti
    smd = share my dessert
    gtfo = going to fight orcs
    stfu = oh please do tell me more
    bored = incredibly self aware
    confused = aroused
    fun = focaccia
    lonely = all around me are familiar faces
    stupid = amazing
    sexy = parmesan
    kinky = vanilla
    dirty = very appropriate
    alt = sexual partner
    sub = basil
    submissive = savory
    dom = oregano
    hoe = tomato
    campus = dining room
    chat = brag
    emoji = pictogram
    young = ancient
    old = vintage
    older = crusty
    egg = can i offer you a nice egg in this trying time
    bring roles = bring pasta sauce
    add me = put on my robe and wizard hat
    money = butcoin
    butcoin = butt
    butt = posterior area
    april fools = christmas
  4. I feel like rather than star** out cuss words they should just do this and swap any word they’d block with something else.
  5. I found like 15 more👀 i cant seem to put my phone down ive been at this for hours🥲
    B4277 likes this.
  6. So far these are the phrases that change:

    1☆WTF= Can you pass the salt
    2☆LMAO= Lost my alfredo
    3☆OMG= On my Gnocchi
    4☆RP= Pasta Cooking
    5☆LOL= You're not funny
    6☆Hi= Get away from me
    7☆Hey= Never talk to me again or my son again
    8☆Pimd = Dinner at my grandmas
    9☆Ata = Coolest people you'll ever meet
    10☆Smh = Some more havarti
    11☆April Fools= Christmas
    12☆Smd = Share My dessert
    13☆Dom= Oregano
    14☆Sub = Basil
    15☆Girl = Chicken
    16☆Boy = Meatball
    17☆Campus =Dining room
    18☆Pub = Kitchen
    19☆Wall me= please contact me post haste
    20☆Butt = Posterier area
    21☆Ass = butcoin
    22☆Hmu = I am looking respectfully
    23☆Wmo = I have gas
    24☆Bye = Hi
    Tpyed out by -gon-
    25☆Bro= My dearest brother
    26☆Add me = Put on my robe and wizard hat
    27☆Roles = Pasta Sauce
    28☆Confused = Aroused
    29☆STFU= Oh please do tell me more
    30☆PM ME= Send me a note via carrier pigeon
    31☆Detailed = Extremely Vague
    32☆TY = I owe you my first born
    33☆Help = Plessure
    34☆Pasta = Tacos
    35☆Alt = sexual partner
    36☆ Please = or else
    37☆Daddy = linguini
    38☆Chat = brag
    39☆Money = Emma stone
    40☆Fun = focaccia
    41☆sexy = parmesan
    42☆Dorm = nest
    43☆Baby = patrick swayzes iconic line
    44☆mommy = fettuccine
    45☆dirty =very appropriate
    46☆submissive = savory
    47☆hoe = tomato
    48☆bored = incredibly self aware
    49☆ Partner = Garlic Bread
    50☆hot = chilly
    51☆Stupid = Amazing
    52☆Monkey = Emma Stone
    53☆Emma Stone = pocketfullofsunshine
    54☆Emoji = pictogram
    55☆Poor =no butcoin
    56☆Boyfriend = eggplant
    57☆ I said = Maybe
    58☆ Sugar = Al Dente
    59☆Baby= Nobody puts baby in the corner
    60☆Will = Mareceline
    61☆Older Man =Crusty Meatball
    62☆Old = Vintage
    63☆AF = Al forno
    64☆Lmfao = Lost my favorite alfredo sauce
    65☆History = The dominion of canada was officially born on July 1, 1867
    66☆Tf = uwu
    67☆Mod = Chef
    68☆Tiktok = Roblox
    69☆Young = Ancient
    70☆Dev = Incredibly smart person
    71☆Lonely = all around me are familiar faces
    72☆Egg = Can i offer you a nice egg in this trying time
    73☆Gtfo =Going to fight orcs
    74☆ Bring roles = Bring pasta sauce
    75☆ Snap = Tiktok
    76☆Cryptocurrency = Butcoin
    78☆New = scholary
    79☆Stupid = Amazing
    From peaches🍑 on pimdserver
  7. Spam the letters
  8. Searching for = eating
  9. Butcoin stops it
  10. Not just butcoin, but equipping the emma stone skin/style pet rock
  11. Is there a trick to the word changing? Mine haven't