Design and Furniture

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by Illuvatar, Mar 31, 2021.

  1. Hello. Who am I? I am Eru Illuvatar. Well, screen name, at least.
    I’m here to solve all your design needs. Because lets be honest. Some of these themes are kind of.... terrible. 😅
    But that’s okay! We can make things work. With a little creativity, we can find what it is you dream of in design.

    Picture a person trying to get a cool dorm. Where do they start?
    The most commonplace start is matching an avatar. Floral room for your floral avi. Dark room for your dark avi.
    Those designs are often the easiest. They match color or feel of a specific object, across a range of furni.
    Next is general themes. Matching your idea of “floral” or “black room” regardless of anything else. Also generally easy. Again with a color or feel.
    Final is concept. Japanese styled garden flora. Black grunge chic. Those are often harder to match. Because while you can match one piece of furni that “has flowers” or is “black colored” it might not be the specific one that fits the theme itself. Autumn hearth furni has flowers but it’s a specific color shade, whereas the cherry blossom tree has another.
    The job here is to match a specific thought with various furnitures. Then have the person who wants the design done, to go out and find what they’re looking for.
    Of course, concept-wise, there would need to be a budget, a lot of working with furniture threads and sellers. A monstrous task. But together, we can design anything.

    Sincerely, Eru Illuvatar; design god
    Joy and iWanderingSeoul like this.
  2. Your example doesnt look good tho. Geeen wall with green floor looks bad. Just looks like in a shipping container or some shít and you got a fawn trapped in there. The bed blends in with it to much as well. Makes pritty much everything look like 1 thing so makes it look bland and boring. You also have a random red chair and plant just thrown in ehen theres no red anywhere else so its out of place. Red and green can work together but they need to be the right shade...yours is not and it doesnt look great at all.
  3. When you are trying to sell a service of helping people find 'the perfect dorm' and calling yourself a 'design god' i would expect to see a much better thort out dorm room example
  4. Pretty sure he’d be helping them find a dorm they like, not one that you like 😂
    Ghastly and Illuvatar like this.
  5. My “example” is not an example. It’s not meant to base anything off of. I just really like green. So I want everything to be green. The fawn is in there because I love deer and I bought it for a different dorm but I haven’t started looking for new 499s with the new dorm theme I have. But then again, this dorm wasn’t designed for you. It was designed for me. With me in mind. Just me. Only me.
  6. Yes. Exactly. 😂😂
  7. oh. I’m sorry. I didn’t know you wanted an example. I would’ve made one. 🤔 Let me get right on that “example of something absolutely everyone is going to like” Oh wait. That’s not the point. The point is it’s not about everyone. It’s about you and only you. As for the “selling” part, it’s not really selling. Its just gift me as a thank you for the help. Idc about the money. Besides, y’all have to buy the furniture yourself anyways. I’m just here as a design compass. Pointing you in the right direction. Saying “well you said you envisioned this. Is this okay”
  8. Hi. Eru again.
    I’m sure a lot of you are confused about this concept.
    “Ew your example sucks”
    “Why do we even need you?”
    “This is horrible”

    Well great news!! That means this isn’t for you.
    See, this is a design concept. Emphasis on the concept. Because it’s not something you can physically touch. It’s an idea.

    How this works is you desire something. We come up with a base that we want to work off of. Then we start searching furniture that matches what it is you think you want. Then you find sellers with those items, and you purchase them. Then we put them in your dorm and we do a yay or nay test. For you of course. And if you don’t like it, we can keep going until we find something we like. Or until you run out of bentos/chibis.

    But at the end of the day, remember it’s not me or other people who tell you what to do. This is all about you and what you want. I just help you visualize it a little better.
    Tetrahydrocannabinol likes this.
  9. I said it coz when im looking at stuff and generally everyone else to...they like to see examples of peoples work to see if they are any good. You wouldnt get a tattoo from a artist you have never seen their designs from before. You wouldnt get a house built without seeing the design 1st. People like to see examples of what you can do so they know if you are good at that job or not
  10. Are you tricerascotts? Cause I’m having flashbacks
  11. Yep
  12. If you want an example then ask for an example. Unlike a tattoo artist or a house, I can’t exactly have a layout of dorm rooms just waiting around, can I? I just have one room. Plus, I can’t exactly afford a layout of dorm rooms just waiting around. Ever try to furnish a dorm room from scratch? I have. Several times. To get more than one example of dorm rooms that multiple people will like cost bentos I don’t have. And personally, I like custom built rooms, not generic everyone will like this kind of things.

    While I understand what you mean, and you’re not wrong, from a design standpoint, and how this game works, it’s hard for me to get specific designs like that. Plus, unlike a house or tattoo, I’m not even charging you money for a product you might not like. I’m giving you suggestions, and you’re doing all the work on actual furnishing it or not. The beauty of an online designer. It’s just moral support and an “outside eye”. :)
  13. Very nice 😃
    Illuvatar likes this.
  14. Very nice person and easy to talk to.
    Illuvatar likes this.
  15. Such a blessing working with all the people I have so far. Mostly just gave away furniture to the less furnished, but my dream is to furnish that of the multi-bento-aire user. No limit on price. Skys the limit. Whatever I think works they get it. A designing dream!
    But no dream is too small. Tips and tricks is what I can do too. Just ask me what you need and I’ll do whatever. I’m here for you.
    iWanderingSeoul likes this.
  16. i usually get spoiled by my BFF. I support as long as I’m always Bff ☺️
    Illuvatar likes this.
  17. 😃✔️awesome
    Illuvatar likes this.
  18. 🙄👀 Speaking of difficult customers. Smh.
  19. Hey, Eru here.
    If you need design help, remember, it costs you nothing to ask. This also extends to not just your dorm, but to the design contests too.
    If you have a lot of furniture, you might struggle with scrolling through everything you have, to match the design theme. People with less furniture don’t have much of a choice there, but the more furni you have, the more options you have to work with.
    Don’t hesitate.
    Ghastly likes this.
  20. Room design.
    “Purple. Creepy. Cute”

    Left of bed: Brotien
    Bed: Kalikasan
    Floor: Chefs Kiss
    Poster: Arcane Abode
    Wallpaper: Influence
    Lamp: Witching Hour
    Sidetable: Touch of Lavender
    Rug: Salem Vow
    Bookcase: Spys the Limit
    Above Desk: Rainy Day Soloroids
    Desk: Zodiac
    Above Plant: Aberzombie
    Plant: En Pointe
    Chair: Brotien
    499/999 not included

    Diy room suggestion list.

    additional items
    shelf items: scrutiny & circuity. winters past. autumn arcanist.

    substitution allowed