People around the world work covering 24hrs a day 7 days a week 365 days a year. You saying ata should never do promos coz of people working?
Not always. Weekday promo’s are rare but it happens. Just because you missed one doesn’t mean its the end of the world. i miss promo’s all the time. suck it up & keep an eye out for the next one. it’s not like they said this was the last promo they’re ever gonna do.
First of all no one said i were going to die or it was the end of the world lmao can you read?? just because you don’t agree with my opinion doesn’t mean I'm crying about it and my world is going to shatter lmao like please sit down and come up with better answers if you’re going to be replying to everyone on here like you own the game and we HAVE to like this promo. Lmao 😂
i never said u had to like it, u came on this thread crying that it ended “too early” which it didnt. it started & ended when it said it would from day one. Your opinion doesn’t matter to me at all lmao idc if you didn’t like the promo or not. I’m saying get over it, the promo happened. you missed it. oh well. there will be more. not my fault you’re mad lmao.
I never said that, I SAID it’s the worst time for one. MOST people usually work during the weekdays it’s not rocket science
Again I never said it ended too early. Please read before you talk. Lmao I’m not mad, you clearly are and are switching it around on me like I was acting as if my world was ending LOL.
I mean, u got defensive right away & started acting up when i told who cares if u missed a promo there will be more ... u sound like a literal child throwing a tantrum LOL
You’re not understanding the point here. I said my opinion and you came at me with “get over it the world isn’t going to end”. When I never said that at all?? So yeah if you’re going to reply to someone make sure you don’t throw in unnecessary comments and read before you talk. It’s not about the promo it’s about you. Make sense now?
No you being mad as fuck over my comment is whats funny LOL i wasn’t even intentionally trying to piss you off it just happened lmaoooo 😭
me: this is the worst time to have a promo (no where in here did I say I was upset or whatever you’re claiming I was but ok lmao) you: omg get over it your world isn’t going to die me: ... wot?? lmao so tell me who’s really the mad one here 😂 yeah I think it’s funny too that you’re mad asf about my opinion but sure keep flipping it on me. Delusional LOL
Girl its ur tone in the way ur replying to me. its the way ive not gone once calling you a name yet you’ve called me dumb & an idiot thats how i know you’re mad. yeah i said “its not the end of the world” bc ur over here sayin how ppl work weekdays. ppl work weekends too dear.
Dont reply with stupidity and then say I’m mad when I call you out on it. It’s the internet you can’t possibly see how i actually feel lol so at that point you’re just assuming. I know people work weekends too, yet that’s all you had to say and not add in unnecessary comments. Clearly we all know the world isn’t going to end over a game.