EVENT ☘️👻 Spirits of Ireland 👻☘️

Discussion in 'Events' started by ATA-Will, Mar 10, 2021.

  1. My color 💚😍
    Stella-Luna and Intoxication like this.
  2. You know the hunt sucks when the boxes are already dirt-ass cheap and it’s not even six hours yet😂

    Pretty dorm, though 💗
    Tameless and SweetKryptonite like this.
  3. Wtf is this? It doesn't look like irish or I can't feel st patrick's vibe 😅 i was expecting like a mascot or costumed leprechaun😅 like a cute chic rocking a green hat or something 😂 my expectations were high and now I'm sad😂 but anyway, enjoy🤧
    Vosovic, -Gon- and Alicia like this.
  4. Your simp game is too strong five me
    PrettyMinty likes this.
  5. Why are the free male avis always black? Is it ever going to stop?
    PrettyMinty likes this.
  6. Sláinte is pronounced like "slawn-che" if anyone is curious
  7. I definitely did not expect this to be a 2 week thing
    Tameless, Vosovic and Sansa like this.
  8. Maybe shards would come out ?? Idk I’m an optimist
  9. Same here, a one-week St. Paddy's hunt would have made more sense imo.
  10. Downgrade over old Irish Hunts indeed.
    PrettyMinty and Tameless like this.
  12. Not only disappointed but the dialog is messed up. Cordi is saying my lines and I'm talking about my alone time With Marco 🙄
    Tameless likes this.
  13. Man, is an Irish hunt, if you don't know what's traditional for Irish people and what represents them why you act like a knight?
    PrettyMinty, Tameless and Irish like this.
  14. Man, I'm so glad finally me and those I never agree with agree on this hunt, it says a lot
    Tameless likes this.
  15. This hunt sucks, why no potato Avis? I want to represent myself as a Grade A potato and make my Irish ancestors proud.

    ....since y’all saying it’s not “Irish enough”

    but seriously, y’all whining that you can’t spend money on the same exact app you complain about being all focused on making you spend money :confused: not once have I seen ata mention it would be an invite hunt, yet they’re wrong for not having such parties? Holiday or not.

  16. oh wow i love the new theme of event
  17. Oh.. this is supposed to be Irish? I don’t think so😬 even I’m half Irish this isn’t far means Irish too me looks more like rich people hunt too me🙄 this hunt is a no no~
    Tameless likes this.
  18. Agreed. ata’s been doing back to back 2 week hunts & i’m not a fan honestly.
    Tameless likes this.