Just an idea

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by TMC, Mar 12, 2021.

  1. Just an idea, I could be nitpicking here but an option to turn the invite to clubs on and off. I don’t know about other people but I hate when I poste in pub and get random invites from rp/ noob clubs when you don’t ask for it.

    what are your thoughts?
  2. There are options for it. There’s “invite only”, “closed”, “auto join”, and “open on request”! You can change that in club settings! You can also change the stat requirement in club settings as well!
  3. they meant to shut off invites that you get. not invites that you send out
    Kefo, WhoTfIsWesday and Muschi like this.
  4. You can always ignore them! 😂😂
    Muschi likes this.
  5. And I just realized what they meant. This is me lately: 🤡🤡

  6. You can always ignore them however, sometimes they un-invite and re-invite several times and it gets annoying after.
  7. True. 1 time i got spammed invites from 1 club. But a simple. Fuck off i dont wanna join your shitty ass club stop spamming me. Made it stop
  8. You could block them 👀
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