
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by CrimeFightinCactus, Mar 5, 2021.

  1. Definitely agree! My partner and I talked about it tons before we were 100% serious, and most potential couples or even just f-buddies should speak about it beforehand to be prepared. Disagreement on this can be explosive.
    Muschi and CrimeFightinCactus like this.
  2. Tf does that mean "more than just mr potato head?" Dude its always just been mr potato head , he a dude he a potato and he married to another potato that happens to be a mrs. I don't get it pls explain
  3. From what I’ve seen, it’s because they want to sell more generic potato heads. So rather than just “here’s mr” and then a “here’s mrs”, it’s just “here’s a potato head, so what ya want”
    CrimeFightinCactus likes this.
  4. damn why people gotta make uncomplicated things complicated
    eileen likes this.