You ever

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by CrimeFightinCactus, Mar 2, 2021.

  1. Do you ever just feel sad for no reason at all you're just sad no reason whatsoever for a few seconds then off with your day
  2. Depression does that alot to people
    Azari likes this.
  3. I mean yea but I'm depressed™️
  4. You might be d e p r e s s e d
    Azari likes this.
  5. Ngl but this is normal, even for non-depressed people.
  6. Yehh i was only saying it for depressed people dw
    Muschi likes this.
    Manic likes this.
  8. Yeah. Momentary lows suck sometimes. I tend to bottle them up rather than deal with them.