How to never run out

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by CrimeFightinCactus, Feb 27, 2021.

  1. How do you not run out of things to say let's say you're there chilling with a friend the convo is going great then silence there isn't much to say now so there is uncomfortable silence now how do you stop the silence from happening and keep at it what is there to talk about where do you talk about?
  2. The next line should be, "I gotta go, let's hang out again soon."
    Sirrracha likes this.
  3. Mention the awkward silence lol like "Well this awkward isn't it?". It sometimes helps me. Oh you could even play an audio clip of those crickets lol.
  4. Not all silences are uncomfortable. Maybe you're overanalyzing the silence which makes you think it is uncomfortable.
  5. No I'm not analyzing it at all I just find it uncomfortable i am able to handle silence but i don't like it i rather talk about dumb stuff than be stuff in silence
  6. Lol audio clip of cricket sounds fun
  7. That's the worst advice ever why would I hit on them it makes no sense plus I like platonic relationships
  8. But what if I don't wanna go
  9. You have no choice. You must leave.
    Muschi likes this.
  10. how are you supposed to have fun then
  11. How I met jopo
    TheSagittarian likes this.