I am trying to be realistic. Waiting days and weeks for a lucky drop to move forwards in level is not cool, if you have already paid a lot to get the story already...
How much is short enough should be the question. I have seen people who gets it after 10 days... I don't know of anyone who had more than 10 days delay...
The first one (the recorder) I got within 2 days. But so far, to get the camera is nearly a week long
Worse ever encore event. I am not the only one I have had multiple my friends complaining about this very one
At this rate, I don't think I'll be able to finish the story pass before it ends. Does it just disappear after the countdown? So we won't be able to get the avatars even after we've paid for them?
I guess I’ll post my feedback here. 7 days remaining and I won’t be finishing the 2nd tier. I drop ec items and I joined a cat cafe and a flash, so it’s not like I didn’t try, but this is too much money and costs too many resources for an item that I won’t get the avatars for. I’m not sure I’m going to buy another. This is annoying because I’m not even getting half of the drops. I would have liked the story if it wasn’t so insane. 25,000 hunt items per round on second tier was dirty.
Think of it, I have finished all the tasks... But was delayed many times as there was need to get luck based drops in every stage. Now I again have to get two more luck based drops to wind up. I don't know what is the logic in including luck based drops in story pass... 😢 I may end up not finishing the story pass even after working hard, just because lucky drops were not there...
Serious question. What was the purpose of setting ridiculously high item requirements and then adding luck based items with such a low spawn rate that people have waited a week or more to get them? Is the idea that people will pay more after already paying over $20 for the pass? How many people actually successfully completed encore performance?
ATA really needs to make the random drops guaranteed after a certain amount of parties and make the second one guaranteed once the first one is won. So frustrating how I spent 249ec and have been on the very last mission for over a week and have gotten FOUR recorders yet still no camera. I have done multiple flashes so I know I've hit A LOT of parties. There are only 2 days left and I may not get the last avi because I keep getting one random drop not the second one 🙄😤 WHAT A WASTE OF EC
As someone that was finally able to finish my first playthrough today: this was probably the most difficult story pass yet and I have done all but two of them (the Valentine's 2019 pass and the recent Vampire pass). Even the Persephone/Hades one that caused a lot of uproar I found to be easier than this as long as you selected the correct answers the first time around.
This has honestly put me off of ever buying ec story passes because, for my very first one, I just had to go through so much damn crap, and I'm not even gonna finish the entirety of it (although I did finish the female, which I wanted).
I’m glad I didn’t participate after the cash pass. I hadn’t planned on it ever since the Pomegranate pass debacle and the waste of that, but seeing these responses and experiences makes me extra thankful. I wouldn’t have even finished the cash pass with the absurd use of DNs if I weren’t flashing. 😬 I just wanted to collect the avis, but none of the rewards were really worth the cost.