Recommendations πŸ’–

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Stephy, Jan 29, 2021.

  1. Heyyo lovelies!
    So I quit my job at the bookstore and left with a bang πŸ’₯ ! (By leaving a huge complaint about how terrible the management can be 🀑 In a professional way ofc)
    So before i lose my employee discount anyone have any strong book recommendations? πŸ€“
    Either that or cute wholesome memes or pictures ! πŸ₯°
  2. The Bible, good fan fiction material
  3. I like children's books. Like rly cute thick editions like Winnie the Pooh or thick pretty fairy tale books. Jack Prelutsky has good poetry books, similar to Shel Silverstein
    Stephy likes this.
  4. people still read..
  5. can you use your employee discount if you already quit?
    Muschi likes this.
  6. Just buy any classics, idk.

    On Photography - Susan Sontag
    Anything by Nietzsche
    Anything by a Stoic Philosopher
    Anything by Aristotle
    Anything by Albert Camus
    Sapiens by Yuval Noah Harari
    Any and all Dostoevsky
    One Hundred Years of Solitude - Gabriel Garcia-Marquez
    Stephy likes this.
  7. Well I handed in my two weeks notice so I have the discount until my last shift πŸ₯²
  8. Oh my god I just found this one book Dinosaurs In Love by Fenn Rosenthal and it was hysterical it’s just a short 3-5 storybook but I love it πŸ˜‚
    WhoTfIsWesday likes this.
  9. A rare occurrence but I hold hope occasionally πŸ₯²