Remember Kids (especially the self hating ones)

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by UrAClown, Jan 25, 2021.

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  1. If you support a racist, then you're probably also a racist.

    Don't be racist. It's actually quite easy not to do.

    Good talk.
    BenSolo, perla417, imcooked and 7 others like this.
  2. um what is the context for this?
  3. You enable racists by using this app.
  4. Please report any and all kids you come across on this app
    Piggys24, Azari, Ghastly and 2 others like this.
  5. I have questions. Why is this something you had to make any alt for? Is this supposed to be controversial?
  6. Give me your bb items coz coz
  7. Does there need to be a context for it?
  8. We should contact the app stores to have it banned then shouldn't we?
  9. Will do. Can I also report the racists or nah?
  10. This is my main. The second question is just weird. Rethink that please.
  11. I don't do giveaways sorry.
  12. This definately isnt your main πŸ˜‚
  13. Who are you? Mysteryjackson or somebody? I've identified as my main. Now, then. Go forth my child and continue to spread my don't be racist message to all of the pimdom.
  14. the only thing missing here is a twisted tea.
    Ghastly and RoseMilkTea like this.
  15. Yeah? Why post something not meant for others to undersrand publicly otherwise?
  16. Fine here is some context. Only you can prevent forest fires. Don't be racist while putting out forest fires, or any other time for that matter.
  17. Add some.

    Good talk.
  18. what if you had 2 different friends of different races than you, in 2 different locations in the forest fire and you only had enough time to save one?
  19. I would hit the fire with a can of twisted tea and save us all because I'm built different.
  20. We’re all a little racist sometimes ya know
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