
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by CrimeFightinCactus, Jan 20, 2021.

  1. I voted Biden cuz I didnt want trump in but will Biden really be a better choice lol he seem kinda trash
    bedbug likes this.
  2. Tru votes recount
  3. We need to recount the votes for the recount. I think you voted illegally. Don't ask me for proof
  4. Biden is already doing more for the country than Trump did in his entire term. Now before anyone starts in with, "Trump did a lot," you're not wrong, but he did nothing to benefit the nation. Everything Trump did and tried to do was to help himself and anyone he considered a friend, equal, or peer. Your real question should be, "will Biden be a good president?" Maybe you didn't ask that because you expect/want him to fail. Idk, not jumping to conclusions, just making a supposition based on the tone of your post.
    Carlos, Ghastly and Azari like this.
  5. 💀 lmfaoooo
    Muschi likes this.
  6. Tru pays his property taxes timely his vote should be counted twice.

  7. He was the lesser of two evils
    Muschi likes this.
  8. The lesser of two evils mentality is the reason we have shit elections we should be saying "the better of two goods" instead but no here we are voting for shits its goddam disgraceful the reason the country is going to shit isn't because of the government or the people running it but because we the people are giving power to shitty people it's our fault
  9. Better of 2 goods? That fuckwit trump is a joke. Nothing but a attention seeking cry baby. He does this stupid shit to get the world talking about him. Any time hes been off media for to long he does some other stupid shit to get back on it. His show was trash he is trash. Everything about him is bad
    Azari likes this.
  10. I feel sorry for Americans and America...but go on.. continue to fight each other.
    PhilnHigh likes this.
  11. Smells like voter fraud! 👃
  12. Where is the thread for Kamala Harris?
    Azari likes this.
  13. Swoooop
  14. Whereas I do agree that the mentality is the absolute worst we can’t work forward when society as a whole blatantly ignore our social issues and try brush everything under the rug. We can’t clean up our act when we’re just trying to move our dirt around hoping no one notices. 🤡
    Affliction likes this.
  15. President Joe Biden is a good and honorable man. We are lucky to have him.
  16. If you seriously think any politician is a “good” and “honorable” man then you are naive. Biden is the lesser of two evils but he’s still pretty scummy.
    Stephy and Azari like this.
  17. The Dems finna push Biden out of office in the next 4 years and replace him with her. Her thread(s) are coming.

  18. If dems couldn't even push trump outta office how are they even gonna pull it off with joe😂😂😂 joe is gonna stay his 4 years... hes not gonna become president just to give it away, croak or get pushed out. He doesn't have dementia either. He just slower from old age. That's all. After his 4 yrs kamala will be president unless dems fuck up bad: high taxes, shitty economy, bad employment etc etc then yall gonna see a Mitt Romney presidency cuz that dude has been playing his cards right for a while now hes definitely gonna run again
  19. When I said push I ain’t say nothing about impeachment. He’s gonna do his 4 years. I meant it as simple as the same way they did Bernie with Hilary is the same way they’ll do Joe with Kamala. Promote the hell out of her and leave him in the dust.