Having club tags as perm priveledge

Discussion in 'Clubs' started by -MoB-FullerGirl, Jan 19, 2021.

  1. Hello pimd world. ❤🌞 There have been some issues I had to bring to all club admins attention as a club president. Throughout the time we had tagged perms who, reason or another, left the club or were removed and kept on using club tag to promote their game, personal real money trades/deals using onside applications and causing troubles while having nothing to do with the club. According to TOU requesting a tag drop from a player, is considered a term violation and is being classified as cf request when the player is openly refusing to comply.Therefore there are two solutions I propose below. 1. Setting club tag as "a priveledge thing" to be given and taken by authorized club admins. 2. Making GP free and enough for all members. By doing this a bunch of unpleasant issues can be resolved and clubs will be able to protect their dignity and identity promoting positive gaming. 🌞 I hope any of the above suggestions become popular enough so that sooner than soon devs have this feature included.🤝🏻 Please leave your comments and feedbacks below and have a pimdomized day☕🤪
    Sansa, _-HK-_, Ketaminol and 12 others like this.
  2. Gold passes will never be free. People straight up said they would pay for them if they existed. But yehh cant make people change name coz it costs ec which for most people costs real money. You cant make cf cost real money. Anything with ec value cant be a cf term. Just tell the people they not even in your club and move on. Or hit back
    Alicia, Zelda and Ghastly like this.
    iAmbsGiveNoFawks likes this.
  4. My suggestion isn't a name change but a club tag giving and taking priveledge by admins🙋‍♀️
    Sansa, Muschi, _-HK-_ and 2 others like this.
  5. I think ATA should give president of a club to give or remove members club tag... So the members cant change (tagged/untagged) itself by change name... Well, i think tag is a club right not whoever have ec to change their name
  6. Am I just not reading this correctly? I don’t understand what you’re trying to say.
    Regular members cannot change their own club tags. Status messages and their igns they can but only execs and up and change the club tag. If ata took away club tags it would really complicate things for dog, cat, and kini clubs.
    iJenny and iAmbsGiveNoFawks like this.
  7. club tags as in -11- or whatever you see in peoples ign
  8. You are just confusing club tags with club titles. This thread isn't about that.
  9. This just seems to be a mob issue. You cant force someone to change ign. So just deal with it or farm them if it bothers you that much
    Muschi and Ghastly like this.
  10. OHHHH. Wow I’m stupid. Carry on
  11. it’s against tou to force someone to change name, especially by farming them
    Muschi and -MoB-FullerGirl like this.
  12. Ik its what i said. I said it 2 times in this thread
  13. But you still recommended farming if it upsets op.
    Intoxication likes this.
  14. Never said to make a cf tho. If they don't like someone they can deal with it n ignore them or farm them n make some cash from it everyone saying pvp gives more cash then partys so like yehh
    Muschi, Ghastly and iAmbsGiveNoFawks like this.
  15. Mmm hunt avis maybe. Spinner avis, leaderboard avis and bag avis hard no coz it makes it unfair to the people that got them. Hunt avis maybe maybe with recolor n somr different stuff. But they get put at the same level in the quests as the originals. So the people that worked hard for end quest avis arnt scammed
  16. wrong thread 💀
    -MoB-FullerGirl likes this.
  17. Ooh what if it’s like COD where you have a club tag that’s removable once they live officially
  18. This is the idea. For the devs to allow names to be extended with a club tag rather than only doing it by changing names but 2 issues come up here!

    1) How will an official tag be differentiated from someone who willingly spends their ecs to imitate your club?
    2) Club tags will be less unique than club names, and many players may still make clubs with the same tags as larger clubs, and use those tags to pretend. Or we could end up with multiple clubs that, up until now never used club tags but had similar names, then all having the same tag.

    And following from this, club tags are mostly used by clubs in sfw as a kind of uniform, to let people know that they're in sfw and to leave tuts alone, and a few other relevant but less important purposes. If every single club has a tag, then it becomes a bit silly. Convincing members to change name and devote their resources to a tag means that tag is important. The members who have a tag are currently normally more devoted to their club than those who don't tag.

    NEW point!

    ~ thought about it and the devs already resolved it.

    But the distinction between guests in club and full members ~ and above ~ could be a useful trigger for tags. Have guests with no tag, and larger members with tags.

    I generally like your idea but I think it can change the meaning of tags and make them sort of redundant and meaningless. Something to be cautious of.
  19. Oh tf. I musta been sleepy as fuuck 😂
  20. They meant like Ky4f or FAM club tags not club pins 👌
    Intoxication likes this.