Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Menawan, Jan 13, 2021.


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  1. Hi so I was thinking.....the pimd add isn’t really catchy. If we or the devs are looking for more people to join..you should atleast create a very catchy add? It’s a rp game yes, but it’s not at all that “rp-ish” on it’s add. Do a contest maybe? Ask people here to make ads and send. Bet you’d all like what you see...LD like my post so ATA looks into it.
    starr, crazeee and NickyyyyyWills like this.
  2. Misused italics has entered the chat
    Intoxication likes this.
  3. All ads for games now are false advertising
    fi163 likes this.
  4. What is LD?
    Menawan likes this.
  5. You still read it....job complete
  6. Like duh 😂.
  7. Well we are playing this one. Let pimd make a difference and create something relatable to the game
  8. ATA should get some celeb folks to be in their ads. ATA spend some of that sweet sweet DECA games $$$.

    Best person to be in ATA ad right now is The Tiger King I’m sure he isn’t that expensive.

    nothing ???
    Menawan likes this.
  9. they should advertise forums in-game instead
  10. Yall should do like a pregnancy hunt. For ppl that are pregnant. Like baby showers and stuff like that. Like the room be nursery themed and the avi be a pregnant girl and a working man. And then like a wedding theme. Girl in a wedding dress and the dorm be planned out like it looks like a wedding. The man be in a suit and tie. I don't know maybe its just me but that would be so cool
  11. no
  12. If college students got pregnant it would more be like - the dad disappears, the girl rents out her parents basement and gets a bunch of used stuff and drops her studies down to part-time so she can work at wal-mart
    iAmbsGiveNoFawks and Menawan like this.
  13. this isn't talking about just college students here. More than college students play this game and some are getting married some girls are pregnant. This app had more than college kids on it so that in mind
    iAmbsGiveNoFawks and Menawan like this.
  14. Why not?
  15. [​IMG]
    iAmbsGiveNoFawks likes this.
  16. This is a college based game not a life simulator
    WhoTfIsWesday likes this.
  17. It's called Party in my Dorm. Even if there aren't actual college students here, it should still be college themed
  18. Idek cuz I been sending them this ideas of making better ads but they say nothing. N it’s not even at my own interest lol. Tho I want more people joining, it’s still more money for the devs
  19. I think there has been a wedding theme. U should check out the regalia dorm from soul mate boxes
    iAmbsGiveNoFawks likes this.
  20. It’s a college based game if u see it that way😂😂..but i can bet majority of those playing aren’t even those from college