Forum stuffs

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by TheSagittarian, Jan 12, 2021.

  1. Alright so there are some things I'm not familiar with in these new forums that I'm not exactly sure about.

    For example, People you follow? What is that for?

    I also notice a conversation tab when I check my "posts" and "likes".

    Do people even use half the features in forums?
  2. I got a notification saying someone followed me and got confused. Didnt know it was a thing till now to. I post and reply i havnt done any other stuff. Maybe like the odd reply or post
  3. Following a player allows you to see their activity, such as new posts or likes. You can view this in your News Feed under your profile.

    Conversations is not something usable at the moment.
  4. I just looked at conversations and it looks like something just for devs coz it says direct message people. We got pms and walls for that
  5. when did this become facebook
    Ghastly likes this.
  6. i also take it that the 2 step verification things is mod/dev stuff
  7. Must be. It wont won me log in to do it. Keeps saying password is wrong when it lirily isnt
  8. dare i ask about contact details?
  9. It's kind of funny how much like a social media app they're trying to make it when we're not actually allowed to share personal details or discuss other social media
    Ghastly likes this.
  10. yeah i still dont understand why they decided to make this forum layout when the old layout was better.
  11. I don't get any of the new stuff. But I guess its just new to old shits like me that haven't been active on forums enough......
  12. I have to laugh
    Ghastly likes this.