Discussion in 'Clubs' started by BrattyAngel, Jan 3, 2021.

  1. Rent my club ign: Spicy Cats info on club wall link @SillyGirlT I don’t care what u use the club for for any questions or concerns lemme know
  2. i feel bad for u op so i’ll be ur first reply
  3. Uh idk y u feel sorry for me I just have a club I’m not using and if someone needed a club they could use mine no one needed to reply for this and again don’t know why U would feel sorry
  4. Because no one replied to your thread. forums is dead. but not that dead.
  5. Oh this didn’t need a reply just in general oeople look at it Nd then they add me
    Ghastly likes this.
  6. Rood
    BrattyAngel likes this.
  7. i was trying to do the opposite 😭
    WhoTfIsWesday likes this.
  8. Idek why they commented🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️
  9. so how many people added you because of this thread? 👀
  10. None but on my other account I have a few people who asked me to wall them links so yea I have a club I’m not using but I don’t wanna sell so might as well just rent it out 🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️
  11. 1b? For how long? You only say every other day. You dont say for how long. 1b for forver?
  12. So however long u need the club so it’ll be 1b every other day so if u need the club for 1 day just 1b that’s it any more questions u can add me I’d love to answer in pms
  13. 1b per day?
  14. Because i wanted to be ur first reply.
  15. No 1b or 2.5mcs mix every other day so if u need my club for 3 days it’s 2b if it’s 2 days then 1b so basically 1b per 2days
  16. Still seems kinda high when can buy a fully unlocked club for 4-5b
  17. Then buy one 😱
  18. Dont need to was just saying
  19. ThTs the average price some people charge 1b every day so
  20. A woman who sees what she wants and takes it
    Ghastly likes this.