101mcs. 45t value. Active. Waiting a pup that can atleast say hi once in awhile. Hire me pleeeeeease 🙏🏾
No clue if people even read this thread but... Looking for a tut 200-400b Fine if you are OP as long as its not insanely much. Must be active and talkative as I would like to add you and actually talk to you. I’m happy to help with questions about the game or other game-relates things. Not much of a spoiler but usually send a few cash hunt gifts (not maxing you). 🥺💕 In general just looking for a cute babytut I can hire and take care of like a pimd granny
Ign: ADNAN Hv: almost 2T Stats: 6mcs Status: Active few days ago? Not sure now. Just need money to ug.
BeautyEyes9 1.9mcs 650b active (their status has been like that since previous hunt & still have current hunt items)
Someone please hire me. Looking for a pup that's mature and chilled. 133mcs. Tut value 120t 😬 I upgrade regularly and dont ask for much
Hello🥰 I'm Looking for a friendly pupil who can be my bestie. Pup who can guide and help me with game 😊 I'm 69mcs and quick growing up 🥰. Kindly add me before hiring 😌