
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by KOODAA, Dec 28, 2020.

  1. How many dns does it take to solo all otaku parties? i know cat cafe takes 50 dns for me to solo. maybe each party is around the same?
  2. Day's guide to parties and their HP might help you answer this but it's not out yet.

    Also what sort of maniac solos anything except a premium party?

    I remember Nolan once soloing a pro party while I was in a club with him but that was ages ago. The HP varies greatly within a seiries of parties tho so I highly doubt your hypothesis that they're all similar.
  3. im trying to get my own solo club instead of renting others with bentos. i figure its best i buy the dns to do it rather than ask campus/pub to help then kick their asses out.
  4. It is better to ask for help 😂
    It's just a game. People will chip in and help and then leave later.
    And buying the dns all yourself is soooo expensive.

    The cheapest option there would probably be to buy a club from someone for bentos actually.
    Alicia likes this.
  5. ya if i can buy club from someone for bentos thatd be nice. dont want any more rental. long term just better to own your own club imo
    Alicia likes this.
  6. Definitely cheaper to ask for help than spending that much money on dns. Just offer a bento to last hitter as incentive and do a cat or two for them afterwards. Way less wasteful. Or yeah buy an unlocked one. Just be careful with that. Easy to get scammed.
    Ghastly likes this.
  7. ridiculous
    AngelMort likes this.
  8. who? i know youre not talking bout me
  9. I wasn’t but now i am, you’re ridiculous.
    AngelMort likes this.
  10. [​IMG]
    AngelMort, No and Ghastly like this.
  11. lol i love it
  12. Buy for bentos. Or ask for help. Shiiiet I have a club I could sell rn with 3 GP ready to go lol
  13. stfu who tf are you? you dont mean anything irl or in game
  14. salty af
    Kefo and Ghastly like this.
  15. Real dramatic
    Ghastly likes this.
  16. LOL i love the fact that you insulted me on forums, my wall & then tried to add me HAHAHAHAHA imagine being mad cause you got called ridiculous on a ridiculous mobile app 😭💀
  17. oop they sounds anangary.
  18. Bit out of hand
  19. i ended up soloing otaku parties to cat cafe. took just over 200 dns. also just learned that i lost money by flashing black cat cafe during bf instead of the normal cat cafe. 50 dns vs 27 dns. only need half the dns for reg cat cafe. wish i knew
  20. You get more money from black cat cafe tho cuz it's more hits
    Kefo likes this.