Buying/Selling Birthstones

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Corgi, Nov 28, 2020.

  1. This is needed, in my opinion, since it isn’t easy to track people in the active campus/pub chats.
    Selling Starred Birthstones at 100:1b
  2. Correction:
    Selling 404 Emeralds
  3. 💎💎SELLING 82 RUBY FOR 22C💎💎
  4. looking for opal, saph and pearl wmos, no op
  5. Shouldn't it be 200 it's it's 5:1 or 10c for 100 I mean yeah less cash but it's quicker y'all greedy with prices
    -Mrs_Mis- likes this.
  6. it will get to those prices at some point, the birthstone shards are still pretty new. Your math is correct though, 5:1c would be 200:1B ☺️
    Corgi likes this.
  7. It’s gone down for sure but most people who sell 5:1c are the ones with less than 100 stones of any month (in my experience). Nothing wrong with it, but most people who have 100+ or like 2k tend to sell 3:1c.

    And it isn’t so much that they over price it, the suppliers (who use their own money to open the shard boxes or Hunt boxes to get high amounts) determine prices based off of the levels of demand. Thus opal starting at the crazy 50:1b, because not everyone wants to spend money on the game, but a ton of people want cute avis which creates that large demand.
    Now, the zodiac and Greeks went to like 100 for 10c because they became super super common, and everyone either had all of the avis or were indifferent to the rest. Birthstones are still much too new for them to be 100 for 10c.

    I feel 130-150 per bento for all besides Opal, Pearl, Diamond, and Sapphire will be the new norm super soon though. Goodness knows peridot and emerald have been at 130-150:1b for a few days now.
    In summary, I don’t agree people are being greedy. They’re just selling at a price common for new shards. Those who still want like 50:1b for opal are definitely overpriced at this point, but 100 per bento will be fair because even Aphrodite shards hovered at 100 per bento for months after the Greek set was out (like libra and Capricorn)
    Selling at 5:1c will definitely be quicker though, and helps out others who can’t afford to be opening shard boxes or Hunt boxes all the time 🤷‍♀️ Just felt some of the game logic needed to be defended here, especially since I would still sell the more in-demand birthstones for 100:1b if I had more money to open shard boxes lol
    Outsider7 likes this.
  9. Add me Amarjeetsinghlovesu
  10. selling
    diamonds 💎 400:4b 💎
    bolts 🖤 1k:1b 🖤
  11. Looking for pearl shards
  12. Selling birthstones 5'1c
  13. Buying Sapphire
  14. Hello how is everyone here [​IMG] :);):(:mad::confused::D:D