LIMITED-TIME CONTENT Encore Performance: A Story Pass

Discussion in 'Events' started by ATA-Will, Nov 30, 2020.

  1. Its got to of been 3 or 4 days now and ive still not had this stupid recorder drop wtf ata
    Karly and SharKC like this.
  2. Even after completing the story I didn’t get the avtar 🥺
  3. Check your showcase for the avatar box.
    Awesome_Chick21, Muschi and __SARA__ like this.
  4. Thank you got it 🥰
    Sansa likes this.
  5. No.
    Prim likes this.
  6. It be too late, I bought it a week ago😭
  7. Opal didn't buy it, so I would take the opinion from someone that actually bought it over theirs anyway.
    Sansa likes this.
  8. As someone who got tier 4 avatar for female and is otw to tier 3 male, verdict:

    Yes the story pass is worth it if you're purely in it for the avatars. This is because the designers actually made the avatars pose differently this time and there's a lot of attention to detail in designing them. In the previous passes, the avatars just change clothes.

    No, rewards wise. The reward is very small compared to the effort needed (spending 24dns for the FREE pass, anyone?)

    Plus at the tier 4, instead of getting 2 cats per gender like previous passes, you only get 1 cat this time. Besides getting the avatar is luck based. (looking at you, reporter's recorder and reporter's camera!)

    To those wondering whether to do the passes, I say only do it if you really love the avatars very much. Otherwise, save your ecs.
    PixieM612, Ghastly, drunas and 8 others like this.
  9. As for the recorder and camera drop, it does depend on luck. In my case it took me between 12h to 2 whole days to get each of them.
    Muschi and LeeJarrett like this.
  10. Yeah, I was able to receive my 1st recorder after completing 2 POTDs but I was very lucky.
  11. I know two people who did and I didnt buy it because they told me it wasnt worth it. So my stance stands.
  12. Okay
  13. Ok this is ridiculous I have not gotten my avi yet wtf ata
  14. Are you sure you're already done with the quests? 🤨
    Muschi likes this.
    PhantastiC likes this.
  16. Nope @Muschi
    Main story drops - 128 max
    Movie posters - 140 max
    Muschi likes this.
  17. My story keeps repeating itself and I just don't know what I'm doing wrong because the first two times, it only gave me one choice to pick from. So...🤷‍♂️
    bashful6 and Sweetest_Dream like this.
  18. If you mean the strange watch story pass, this is how it is throughout the pass.
    Muschi likes this.
  19. I’m so glad I read these posts. I need 2 more dns and was going purchase them but having seen I’ll need to use dns again repeating task uh no thanks.
  20. huh i wasted all the dns n din even get the basic avi🤦 jz...y ATA